Main > Drugs> Ebermin


Ebermin – ointment with complex wound healing and bactericidal action. Human Упаковка Эберминrecombinant contains an epidermal growth factor. Ebermin stimulates processes of migration and proliferation of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, keratinotsit, and also other cells which take active part in a ranozazhivleniya, epithelization, scarring and recovery of elasticity of fabrics. The recombinant endothelial growth factor turns out on the basis of recombinant DNA. The mechanism of effect of this substance is similar to that of endogenous epithelial FR. The silver Sulfadiazinum possessing antimicrobic action also is Ebermin's part. It is active in relation to gram-positive, gram-negative microorganisms, mushrooms, dermatophytes. The hydrophilic basis of Ebermin provides some dehydrating effect, has analgeziruyushchy effect, creates therapeutic concentration of active agents in the field of defeat. Positive reviews about Ebermin are supported also with its cosmetic effect, in particular – ability to improve a hem esthetics by normalization of ripening and orientation of collagenic fibers, at the same time preventing pathological scarring, formation of contractures, keloids.

Indications to Ebermin's use

According to the instruction to Ebermin, this drug is shown at:

• superficial, deep burns of various degrees of severity;

• trophic ulcers (at an obliterating endarteritis, chronic venous insufficiency, an erysipelatous inflammation, a diabetes mellitus);

• decubituses;

• it is long not healing wounds (wounds of a stump, at an autodermatoplastika in a lysis zone, and also between the begot skin rags, residual wounds in a zone of donor sites);

• disturbance of integrity of skin at surgical, cosmetology interventions, injuries;

• freezing injuries;

• ulcers at use of tsitostatik;

• radiation dermatitis, including after carrying out radiotheraphy.

Contraindications to Ebermin's use

According to the instruction to Ebermin, contraindications to its use are hypersensitivity to components, age till 1 year, pregnancy, a lactation. Ebermin should not be used in a zone of active tumoral defeat, and also for stimulation of formation of hems in a zone of excision of a tumor.

Route of administration, dosage

Ebermin is applied locally. Use of drug at any stage of a wound process is possible. Before putting ointment preliminary standard processing of a wound with use of antiseptic agents is carried out (in case of infection). After drying of a wound surface the layer of ointment 1-2 thick is applied with spatula. At the closed therapy method the sterile napkin or okklyuziruyushchy materials from above is imposed. At the expressed exudation, and also in case of a wet method of treatment it is recommended to tie up a wound of 1 times a day. At bespovyazochny (open) treatment it is recommended to put Ebermin three times a day.

Before repeated Мазь Эберминapplication of ointment carry out a toilet of a wound using antiseptic agents or normal saline solution. At the same time it is necessary to avoid traumatization of a young epithelium and granulyatsionny fabric.

Treatment using Ebermin is continued to full epithelization of a wound or its readiness for carrying out closing with a skin rag.

For prevention of radiation dermatitis Ebermin apply on a skin field of incidence twice a day, without deleting from the site of application of 6-8 hours after carrying out radiation. Treatment duration in this case corresponds to duration of a course of radiation therapy. It is not necessary to stop use of ointment in case of the admission of another session of radiation.

Side effect

Drug Ebermin is quite well transferred. Cases of emergence of allergic reactions, and also burning sensation, pain, discomfort, tightening in ointment sites of application are registered. These phenomena independently pass 10 minutes later after imposing on area of defeat of a bandage.

Special instructions

Due to the existence in Ebermin's list of Sulfadiazinum of its silver it is necessary to apply carefully at inborn insufficiency glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy, pathology of kidneys, a liver. At bespovyazochny treatment it is recommended to avoid hit of sunshine on the area covered with ointment.


Comments on Ebermin positive thanks to high clinical activity of drug. Essential reduction of terms of healing of burns, ulcers, wounds when using Ebermin's in comparison with classical local therapy is proved.

Ebermin's analogs

This drug is the first representative of recombinant EFR. There are no Ebermin's analogs now.

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