Main > Drugs> Ectericidum


Ectericidum is the Упаковка Эктерицидmedicine relating to group antimicrobic and the antiparasitics having a natural origin. According to reviews Ectericidum possesses the expressed antiseptic action.

Pharmacological action

Ectericidum comprises the water-soluble products received from fish oil – aldehydes and peroxides. Drug is rather effective concerning pyogenic (piogenic) microflora – a protea, intestinal and pyocyanic sticks, stafilokokk including strains, steady against antibiotics. Ectericidum has small toxicity and at topical administration does not cause irritation of fabrics.

Indications to use of Ectericidum

According to the instruction Ectericidum for treatment:

  • The wounds complicated by piogenic microflora;
  • Anthrax and furuncles;
  • Ozhogov;
  • The suppurated trophic ulcers.

According to reviews Ectericidum can also be used for carrying out sanitation of carriers of meningokokk.

Application instruction

This medicine is used locally for irrigation of wound surfaces or under a bandage. It is necessary to carry out bandagings each three days. For treatment of burns 0,5% Novocaine solution are added to Ectericidum (on 50,0 ml of Ectericidum of 10,0 ml of Novocaine). In the received mix moisten sterile gauze napkins which close wound defect and fix a bandage.

Make irrigation of a nasopharynx of 30,0 ml of drug for carrying out sanitation of carriers of a meningokokk. According to the instruction Ectericidum in this case can be applied also in the form of drops in a nose (4 – 5 drops once a day) or putting the wadded turundas moistened in solution for 25 minutes in each nasal course. Sanitation of carriers has to be carried out surely under bacteriological control.

Side reactions

According to reviews Ectericidum can lead to development of the allergic reactions which are shown reddening of integuments, hypostasis of a mucous membrane, burning sensation, an itch.


Use of this Эктерицид во флаконахmedicine contraindicated in the presence at the patient of individual hypersensitivity to it.

Form of release and structure

Ectericidum is received from fish oil. Its main active ingredients are peroxides, fatty acids and aldehydes. Drug is produced in bottles with a capacity of 250,0 ml.

Ectericidum analog

Now in pharmacy chain also other medicine possessing action, similar to Ectericidum, – Dekasang is presented. However, he has several other structure and therefore before beginning to apply an analog of Ectericidum it is necessary to consult surely with the attending physician.

Storage conditions

Ectericidum should be stored in the cool place at a temperature from +4 to +10 °C.

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