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from 369 rub.

Enterosgel – drug of group of enterosorbents.Энтеросгель в виде пасты

Pharmacological action of Enterosgel

Enterosgel possesses enterosorbiruyushchy, antidiarrheal, enveloping, disintoxication the actions caused by its structure – an organosilicic matrix of the hydrophobic nature. The similar structure allows medicine to adsorb only middlemolecular toxic metabolites.

The expressed detoksikatsionny and sorption properties of Enterosgel are caused by his ability to connect and bring out of an organism exogenous and endogenous toxic substances, among which bacterial toxins and bacteria, food-borne allergens, salts of heavy metals, antigens, alcohol, poisons. Besides, drug is capable to occlude some of metabolic products: excess of urea, bilirubin, lipidic complexes, cholesterol, number of the metabolites responsible for development of endogenous toxicosis. Adsorption comes selectively from intestines and blood.

Against the background of it stopping of displays of dysbacteriosis and toxicosis is carried out, functions of a liver, intestines and kidneys improve, functions of immune and hemopoietic systems are normalized.

Numerous reviews of Enterosgel confirm ability of drug to recover the broken intestinal microflora and to stimulate its peristaltics.

Drug proved as the means having the antiinflammatory and regenerating effect on a mucous membrane of intestines and a stomach, preventing development of erosion.

Enterosgel is harmless and non-toxical, does not influence absorption of vitamins and microelements. Let's allow to use from first month of life of the child.

Release form

According to the instruction to Enterosgel drug is produced in two dosage forms:

  • in the form of gel for preparation of the suspension intended for oral administration. Gel represents the wet white weight having jellylike structure with lumps of various size. The smell is absent. Enterosgel in the form of gel is packed into plastic bags where 45 or 225 g of drug contain, or – into banks where 225 g of medicine contain;
  • in the form of paste for oral administration. Paste has white color, almost does not possess a smell. It is packed into two-layer packages weighing 15 or 45 g. Packages are placed in cardboard packs. Besides, paste weighing 45 or 225 g Enterosgel can be packed into tubas, and drug weighing 225 g – into plastic banks.

Indications to Enterosgel's use

Indications to Enterosgel are various intoksikatsionny defeats of an organism:

  • chronic diseases of kidneys (including pyelonephritis, a glomerulonephritis, a polycystosis of kidneys);
  • burn disease in an intoksikatsionny phase;
  • it is purulent - septic states;
  • toxicosis at pregnancy;
  • allergic and atopic diseases (including dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diathesis);
  • SARS;
  • radiation defeats;
  • diarrhea;
  • drunkenness;
  • food poisonings;
  • the intestinal syndrome caused by allergic intolerance of food.

Also in reviews of Enterosgel high performance of drug at treatment of diseases of the digestive system is noted, in particular:Энтеросгель в виде геля

  • at toxi-infectious damages of a liver (including a viral hepatitis of types A and B, toxic hepatitis);
  • at a cholestasia of various genesis;
  • at cirrhosis;
  • at hypo - or hyperacid gastritis;
  • at a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach;
  • at a coloenteritis;
  • at ulcer colitis;
  • at a syndrome of the "angry" intestines;
  • at a post-resection syndrome;
  • during the periods before GIT operations.


Before use of drug it is necessary to study attentively the instruction to Enterosgel as there is a number of contraindications to drug:

  • peptic ulcer of a duodenum or stomach in an acute stage;
  • morpho-physiological disturbances in a GIT of various character, among them there is an intestines atony, a syndrome of an acute gastrectasia, etc.;
  • hypersensitivity to Enterosgel's components and drug analogs;
  • bleedings from digestive tract.

Application instruction of Enterosgel

Enterosgel in the form of gel it is necessary to turn before intake into water suspension for what the necessary amount of gel is pounded in a quarter of a glass of water, then accept, washing down with water. It is recommended to accept the fresh, just prepared suspension. Drug in the form of paste can be used in an initial look, directly inside, also washing down with water.

Enterosgel is shown to use with a frequency of three times a day. Medicine should be taken in breaks between acceptances of food. At the same time it is important to observe the following framework: in 2 hours prior to or after meals.

The single dose depends on age of patients:

  • to adults and teenagers 14 years are more senior appoint 1 tablespoon of drug (15 g);
  • children age from 7 to 14 years need to accept on 1 dessertspoon (no more than 10 g);
  • to children from 2 to 7 years – one teaspoon of Enterosgel that 5 g equal;
  • kids from a year to 2 years should divide the volume of two teaspoons into 3 or 4 receptions;
  • babies till 1 year need to accept the dose of one teaspoon divided into 3 or 4 receptions.

It is also important to consider that the most admissible daily dose makes: for adults – 45 g, for children are younger than 7 years – 15-20 g.

Treatment duration drug Enterosgel makes 10 days in case of acute poisoning; 2-3 weeks – at chronic intoxications. To repeat a course of treatment it is admissible only after the recommendation of the doctor.

In case of severe forms of diseases Enterosgel accept in the doubled dose for the first three days. Long drug intake (more than half a year) is allowed at mechanical jaundice, cirrhosis.

At a SARS it is necessary to rinse a throat, previously having prepared solution: in half of glass of water pound 15 g (tablespoon) of Enterosgel.

Side effects of Enterosgel

In certain cases during administration of drug developing of nausea and a meteorism is possible that has to become the reception cancellation reason.

At severe forms of a liver or renal failure emergence of disgust for Enterosgel after 2-3 uses is possible.

Drug analogs

A number of the drugs similar on structure and an image of action to Enterosgel is listed below:

  • Полисорб;
  • Absorbent carbon;
  • Laktofiltrum;
  • Atoksil, etc.

Storage conditions

Enterosgel is recommended to store at a temperature which is not exceeding 25 °C (the lower bound makes 15 °C). Open drug should be protected from drying, storing it in tight ware. A period of validity at observance of storage conditions – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Enterosgel paste of sweet 225 g

369 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Enterosgel paste 225 of

370 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Enterosgel paste for intake of 225 g, Silma of closed joint stock company

410 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Enterosgel paste for intake of sweet 225 g, Silma of closed joint stock company

431 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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