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How to lose weight without diets

Похудеть без диет помогут правильное питание и физические упражненияFor what many go on diets? First of all, to get rid of extra kilos. And how to lose weight without diets and whether it is possible? Yes, it is quite real. It is actually possible to lose gradually without wearisome starvations and stresses weight if to follow certain rules.

Councils how to lose weight without diets:

  • Pursuing the aim to lose weight and rising once again on scales, not having received desired result, at many the mood often spoils. To avoid it, it is necessary to set absolutely other object for himself: to learn to eat properly. It has to become a main goal. Drinking kefir and eating a portion of cottage cheese there comes the satisfaction from understanding that these products are useful to health, so, it leads to implementation of the purpose.
  • To organize healthy nutrition, it is necessary, first of all, to learn to count the caloric content of products. It is desirable to reduce consumption by 500 calories a day, but at the same time to increase power consumption. Thus, extra kilos will gradually leave, excepting risk of their return. Having lowered a food allowance to 1 200 calories a day, in a month it is possible to lose weight about 2 kg. On the Internet there are calculators of an expense of calories and a calorie chart of various products. Reduction of consumption of fats and carbohydrates, and increase in the menu of amount of fruit and vegetables will lead unambiguously to loss of excess weight. And such products as kefir, cottage cheese and cucumbers, help to lose weight ideally.
  • Answering a question of how to lose weight without diets, it is necessary to remember also that the dream plays a huge role in life of each person. It is worth going to bed after a dinner after a three-hour break. All can eat after six o'clock in the evening. In this case till nine in the evening it is allowed to have supper easily. That hunger did not torment, and the mood did not spoil, the best option is to drink a glass of kefir.
  • The concept "healthy nutrition" includes a careful and slow chewing of food. Try to extend each meal for the longest time, enjoy its taste slowly.
  • You watch that power consumption was increased: carry out various physical exercises, visit the gym or before going to bed make foot walks. All this will allow to recover, in addition to dumping of excess weight, a fine form and to improve a nervous system. Perfectly the hoop with massage balls helps to keep and create a waist. Sports activities will help you to lose weight without diets easily, effectively and quickly enough;
  • It is necessary to carry out cleaning of intestines and liver surely. It will allow to normalize digestion process. But it is necessary to deal with these issues under observation of the doctor. It is not recommended to be engaged in cleaning of intestines independently. Also you should not use the advertized tablets for weight loss. After the end of reception of these tablets weight usually is returned, but at the same time there can be also serious problems with health.
  • Show consideration for the organism, learn to hear it. When strong hunger begins to torment, do not resist, and quietly eat! But when special appetite is not observed, arrange yourself fasting day. Especially well for this purpose baked apples approach. Per day it is possible to eat 15 baked apples. Perfectly cottage cheese and kefir will be suitable for fasting day, or it is possible "to sit" during the day on boiled potatoes.
  • Похудеть без диет возможно, если стремиться к определённому результатуYou should not aim constantly at a net result, for example, to lose weight by 15 kg. Make a small pause. When you dump 2 kg, some time stop to consider calories and dare to eat sweet or fried. It will help to be saved from a stress and to fix weight. On the weekend it is quite possible to dare to be treated on a visit with something tasty, and at the beginning of a week to arrange fasting days. Thus, a set of extra kilos will not threaten you absolutely. You should not worry that having eaten farinaceous food or sweet, you will gain weight if this food to have a snack on apple or to wash down with kefir.
  • How to lose weight without diets? Reduce the portion eaten by you food. We advise to use small ware. To be adjusted so easier psychologically on a low-calorie food allowance.

You should not think of excess weight constantly. First of all, there has to be an optimistic spirit and the correct approach to the used products, then the result will not keep itself waiting, and you will be able to get desirable forms!

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.