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How to make a diet

Успех подходящей диеты - правильный подход к ее составлениюProbably, there is no woman who for all 100% would be happy with the figure. Most often the discontent arises because of extra kilos even if the increase in weight was minimum. The only exit from current situation (as consider many) – to go on a diet. However, beginning any diet, it is necessary to remember that it as a result should not do harm to an organism. For this reason, first of all, it is necessary to consult to the specialist who will help to make a personal diet. Correctly to make a diet, it is necessary to consider that it has to include necessary amount of vitamins and minerals without which the person cannot do.

Each person – is individual. Respectively, for everyone there has to be the individual diet. So, the stout man or the woman can be at the same time absolutely healthy while some people, having slightly recovered, provoke thereby emergence of a number of diseases. In this situation the help of the qualified doctor is necessary, only he will appoint the list of analyses and inspections which will help to define the general state of health and to make a diet, looking at results. To make a diet, it is necessary to consider also age, a profession, a way of life, the place of residence and climate. Considering all these factors it is possible to receive really correct diet which will be developed for the specific personality and will be able not only to keep health, but also to make an organism stronger and vigorous.

How to make a diet: harm of monodiets

People who make diets constantly try to make them unlike others. For example, diets, some by drawing up, adhere to silly judgments that:

  • In general it is necessary to refuse meat;
  • It is practically possible to eat during the day all the time one buckwheat or pineapples;
  • It is the best of all to eat at most twice a day;
  • It is necessary to drink sunflower oil – it is a right way to weight loss.

Preferring these options by drawing up a diet very few people think of the fact that each product has to get to us into a stomach in strictly limited quantity only in combination with other, same useful products. Eating long time the same food, you lose other valuable vitamins.

"Recommendations" which speak about sharp decrease in the day menu of proteinaceous food (namely – animal products) are the most dangerous. Animal protein, unlike vegetable, bears in themselves the much bigger value and advantage because they – the main component of all hormones and enzymes. They cannot be replaced with soy or bean cultures completely at all. If the woman considers that the menu of the correct diet has to be exclusively vegetable, it beforehand provokes development of problems with reproductive function and a condition of blood in which, first of all, shortage of iron is observed.

Considering that a monodiet – the most suitable diet for you, you lose calcium which lack in the future will lead to such serious diseases as osteoporosis and fractures of a neck of a hip. The main source of calcium – dairy products. The woman's diet cannot do without them, consumption of calcium after fifty will not be able to fill its loss and to strengthen bones and teeth already weak at that time.

To make a diet, it is impossible to do the diet completely uniform at all. Food has to be various (meat, vegetables, fruit, fish and many other products). The basic in the menu of the correct diet is not to overeat and observe a healthy measure.

How to make a diet: integrated approach

In our country, as well as in the majority of the countries of Europe and America, nearly a half of all inhabitants has excess weight, and more than 26% have obesity. If the person decides to lose weight, he thinks that eating less, will become healthier and harmonious. Remember that the suitable diet and sport will help to keep new weight only if initially cardinally to change the way of life. It is daily necessary to pay attention that we eat in what quantity we go in for physical culture as we long sleep and how actively we spend a free time. To put on weight, it is not obligatory to eat much. It is not enough to move and eat at the same time small portions. Therefore the individual diet is not a whim, but need. If the amount of the consumed energy is equal to quantity spent, then you will forget about a problem of excess weight. For example if every day to gather 300 calories more, than it is possible to spend, in 12 months it is possible to see on scales plus 4-6 kg. For this reason it is very important to make a personal diet, proceeding from your way of life and the state of health.

To make an individual diet, it is necessary to follow only some rules and councils:

  • It is necessary to eat food quite often (every 3-4 hour), but in the small portions;
  • Not to gorge on before going to bed;
  • To refuse overconsumption of pies and cakes, fried and very salty food;
  • To try not to be nervous, in stressful situations people often jam the problems and experiences.Примерное меню правильной диеты

How to make a diet: what products need to be included

Improper feeding – a habit of which it is difficult to get rid, but is necessary if you really want to lose weight. If you in a family have relatives or relatives inclined to completeness, and also having obesity be especially attentive to what you eat and in what quantity, the problem of excess weight at you is put already at the genetic level. Our addictions quite often negatively influence our health. If you suddenly began to drink too large amount of water during the day, address the doctor who will appoint the corresponding inspection and on the basis of the received analyses will explain to you how to make a diet it is correct. Or address the specialist who will make for you a suitable diet.

The individual diet is necessary if your weight promptly begins to grow. Not to allow big problems, it is necessary to make a diet and to establish some framework in food, and also to fulfill the menu of the correct diet and the mode of meal. By drawing up a diet do not exclude completely, but reduce consumption of greasy food (fats influence normal work of our organism, doing skin and all body more attractive). By drawing up a personal diet reduce amount of farinaceous food and sweet in the diet, but consider that not to do you without vegetables, fruit, bread, porridges.

The menu of the correct diet has to include all food stuffs, but in small amounts. So, knowing about improbable advantage of cottage cheese, do not consume it more than 100 g, otherwise excess of calcium will begin to be postponed in cartilaginous tissues. The personal diet has to include 13% of proteins (100 g), 57% (250 g) of carbohydrates and 30% of fats (90 g).

Healthy nutrition – the basic at weight loss. You should not starve, but also it is undesirable to overeat too. It is necessary to achieve that each suitable diet included full-fledged balance of useful vitamins and minerals. You remember – success will come only to the one who with big will power and huge desire tries to achieve the planned goal.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.