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Sausage caloric content

Sausage is the foodstuff made from mincemeat of one or several types of meat. Caloric content of sausage depends on its look that is caused by the ingredients entering it, and from a way of preparation.

Калорийность вареной колбасы в 100 г – от 220 до 310 ккалThe sausages made on the correct technology with the maintenance only of meat and spices, it is possible to carry to healthy food. However the modern industry for reduction of cost value, increase in a period of storage and improvement of external attractiveness uses ingredients and nutritional supplements, extremely harmful to an organism, for preparation of sausage. Thereof the frequent use of sausages of industrial production increases risk of development of various diseases – renal failures, gout, a hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, in addition to sausage caloric content, at its choice it is necessary to treat with attention nutritional supplements which have to be specified on the label – except sodium nitrate, according to state standard specification, at production of sausages other additives should not be used. Also it is necessary to know that the lowest grades of sausage contain only insignificant percent of meat, and its main weight protein (vegetable and milk) makes, the jelly, artificial fat and other ingredients intended in order that sausage reminded meat.

The house products prepared from low-fat grades of meat without nutritional supplements, reckon with respect for technology and the minimum quantity of salt and fat as the best sausages on quality and caloric content.

Grades and caloric content of boiled sausage

Sausage boiled, as a rule, is cooked from the salted forcemeat at a temperature about 75-85 degrees Celsius. It has a limited period of validity because of a large amount of water which contains in it. In addition to meat, depending on a grade, add soy to this type of sausage. Caloric content of boiled sausage fluctuates from 220 to 310 kcal in 100 g. On average this type of sausages contains up to 15% of protein and to 30% of fat.

One of the most popular grades of boiled sausage are: Amateur, Doctor's and Milk. Caloric content of Doctor's sausage, at observance of technological process, makes 257 kcal on 100 g, it concedes only Amateur (301 kcal) and Veal (316 kcal).

Least of all calories in sausages boiled:

  • Dietary – 170 kcal;
  • Separate – 228 kcal.

Despite high caloric content, Doctor's sausage enjoys popularity, thanks to high tastes and rather long period of storage. It is traditionally used not only for sandwiches, but also for some winter salads, for example, by Russian salads, and also there are recipes of preparation with it of okroshka and other first courses.

For dietary food it is necessary to choose sausage with the smallest caloric content and the smallest percentage ratio of fat. For example, the caloric content of sausage Dietary least of all not only among boiled grades, but also among other types of sausages. Also this grade contains the minimum percent of fats – 13%.

Caloric content of cooked smoked sausages

Because of technology of preparation of calories in sausages cooked smoked much more. In the course of preparation it is cooked at first then subject to smoking. Usually sausages of this look contain more spices, and as other ingredients there can be a flour, milk, starch and cream.

Also the caloric content of sausage depends and from structure of forcemeat – cooked smoked sausages may contain not only homogeneous forcemeat, but also pieces of meat of a certain size.

The period of storage of this type of sausage slightly more also averages 15 days. Also higher and caloric content of sausage, for example:

  • Amateur – 420 kcal;
  • Cervelat – 461 kcal.

Types and caloric content of smoked sausages

For preparation of half-smoked sausages forcemeat is fried at first then cook and smoked. Such processing allows to reduce loss of weight of a product, and also influences tastes and caloric content of sausage.

Raw smoked sausages in the course of preparation do not process high temperature. They are exposed to dehydration and fermentation that increases the term of their production (from 30 to 40 days). Modern nutritional supplements allow to reduce the term of its ripening to 21 days and less. Caloric content of smoked sausages varies from 340 to 570 kcal depending on a grade. They contain from 28% to 57% of fat, and protein content – no more than 28%.

Калорийность Докторской колбасы в 100 г – 257 ккалThe following types of smoked sausages are the most popular:

  • The Krakow half-smoked – 466 kcal;
  • The Minsk half-smoked – 287 kcal;
  • The Poltava half-smoked – 417 kcal;
  • The Ukrainian half-smoked – 376 kcal;
  • Amateur raw smoked – 514 kcal;
  • The Moscow raw smoked – 473 kcal.

However the caloric content of sausage is not the only criterion on which it is possible to rely at its choice. It is also necessary to pay attention to its structure, a period of validity, outward and a smell.

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