Candidiasis – represents the infectious disease affecting mucous membranes, skin, nails, internals of the person. Most often candidiasis or the milkwoman of an oral cavity and urinogenital bodies meets. An infestant is the microscopic drozhzhepodobny fungus of the sort Candida. Candidiasis at women most often affects a mucous membrane of a vagina. The fungal infection mucous cheeks, language, a pharynx is most widespread among newborns. Candidiasis occurs at men much less often and is characterized by damage of a penis, an itch and reddening in the field of a head and a prepuce.
People with the weakened immunity, patients with a diabetes mellitus, HIV infection are most subject to a disease. In 70% of cases the first symptoms of candidiasis appear as an effect of antibacterial treatment. Genital candidiasis at women – not an unusual occurrence at pregnancy or hormonal therapy. A way of infection with candidiasis preferential autoinfitsirovany, i.e. due to pathological reproduction of own Candida. There is also a probability of emergence of symptoms of candidiasis after household or sexual contact with infection carriers.
At women at a genital form of a disease carry an itch and burning in the field of generative organs to candidiasis symptoms, and also curdled whitish allocations from a vagina. At the complicated form of candidiasis and distribution of a fungus on secretory system of an organism the urodynia can become a symptom of candidiasis.
At men candidiasis of an urogenital form is shown by pain at sexual intercourse and an urination, an itch, burning of a prepuce and balanus. At men refer to candidiasis symptoms also reddening of a penis and emergence of the centers on it with whitish-gray for a short while.
The fungus - the causative agent of candidiasis comes to light by method of bacteriological crops of a secret of generative organs. In diagnosis of candidiasis also techniques of light microscopy, a direct immunofluorescence or polymerase chain reaction can be applied. Each of these diagnostic methods has rather high informational content, however the most essential role is played not by(with) detection of a fungus in genital separated, and its quantitative characteristic, calculation of number of vegetans colonies of mushrooms. In small amounts the microorganism of Candida can be present at allocations of absolutely healthy person without the expressed candidiasis symptoms.
Treatment of candidiasis at men at an urogenital form of a disease preferential local, with use of creams, ointments on the basis of Clotrimazolum. Drug is applied on the struck area of a generative organ by 2 times a day. Perhaps also purpose of single oral administration of the combined antifungal drug. In treatment of candidiasis at men Flukonazol in various dosage commercial forms well proved.
Topical treatment of candidiasis at women is carried out only at easy for a form of a course of a disease. In that case to the patient vaginal candles or tablets of the combined antifungal action on the basis of Clotrimazolum, Izokonazola, Miconazolum, etc. are appointed. At more intensively expressed candidiasis symptoms at women antibacterial therapy is also appointed. In addition to the main treatment of candidiasis the immunotherapy, physical therapy and fortifying drugs are applied.
In treatment of candidiasis of a recurrent form with a state aggravation to 4 times a year it is accepted to appoint single weekly dose of atimikotik within 3-4 months. Treatment of candidiasis at women at pregnancy exclusively local, in connection with high risk of penetration of active ingredients of drug through a placental barrier.
It is essential to reduce probability of pathological reproduction of a fungus of Candida it is possible by means of careful observance of measures of personal hygiene and regular inspections at the doctor. Refer also preventive reception of the vitamin and mineral, immunostimulating drugs and antifungal drugs to measures of prevention of candidiasis during passing of a course of antibacterial therapy.
At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.
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