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Siberian salmon

The Siberian salmon is popular, thanks to the large caviar and gentle pink meat.

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The Siberian salmon is the most widespread and mass species of red fish through passage from family of the Pacific salmons. The Siberian salmon lives in a northern part of the Pacific Ocean, at coast of North America, and also in the Okhotsk and Beringovy seas. During the sea period of life this small fish of a silvery color eats on the extensive water area, and already in a couple of years, having reached puberty, is let in the spawning course to the rivers of northern Primorye, the Kola Peninsula, the USA, Japan and Korea. In river water fish gains yellowish-brown color, there are black strips, and meat becomes absolutely fast, flabby and faded.

In fishing trade the Siberian salmon is very much appreciated as in length she can reach one meter, and weight can make it to 14 kg. Annually volumes of its catch concede unless to a humpback salmon, her main competitor.

The Siberian salmon somehow saved V. K. Arsenyev, the outstanding Russian traveler, from starvation. In the book "Across Ussuri Krai" he told a story about how their boat with provisions got to an ice jam and broke against rocks. There was it in November when about berries and mushrooms there could not be also a speech any more. Therefore the researcher was constantly tormented by thoughts of starvation. Spawning of a Siberian salmon was just in full swing and somehow the companion of the traveler, Dersu's conductor, found the parts of fish which remained after a bear meal. Together with the traveler they with words: "When it's no fish even the cancer can be one", ate them.

The Siberian salmon is valuable thanks to the dietary meat having amazing taste and very tasty large red caviar. Nevertheless, fish needs to be able to be prepared correctly, so at usual roasting meat turns out a little dryish. The most tasty recipe of preparation of fish is roasting in a foil with vegetables or frying in batter.

The Siberian salmon, as a rule, goes on sale in a frozen, smoked or salty look. From fresh fish excellent fish soup and tasty aspic turns out. A salty Siberian salmon before the use it is necessary to soak as she is often put too much salt that it was longer stored. Further the salty Siberian salmon is served as cold appetizer or added to salads.

Separate conversation about caviar – it is an integral part of a holiday table which from the category of luxury turned recently into category of quite available delicacy. Caviar of a Siberian salmon differs from other kinds of calves in the bright orange color, a dense cover and the large sizes.

List of a Siberian salmon

In 100 g of a Siberian salmon 74,2 g of water, 5,6 g of fats, 1,2 g of ashes, 19 g of proteins contain; vitamins: And, groups B, D, C, PP; macrocells: phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium; microelements: iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper, fluorine.

Besides, fish contains lecithin, the Omega-3 and the Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How many calories in a Siberian salmon?

On a question: how many calories in a Siberian salmon, it is possible to answer that on 100 g of a product about 126,4 kcal.

Advantage of a Siberian salmon

Thanks to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin the advantage of a Siberian salmon consists in her antiatherosclerotic action. The constant use of fish prevents development of a myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. Thanks to the content of magnesium and potassium the advantage of a Siberian salmon consists also in beneficial influence on work of cardiovascular system, and phosphorus and calcium favorably influence bones.

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B1 vitamin (thiamin) which is contained in fish well influences the main functions of a brain, including promotes improvement of memory and ability to training. Also thiamin plays an essential role in processes of a tone and growth of skeletal muscles and activity of a digestive tract, protects from toxic influence of nicotine and alcohol.

Caviar of a Siberian salmon contains the vitamin A necessary for an organism for maintenance of functions of a nervous system and sight. Vitamin E improves a condition of skin and has anti-toxic effect. Ascorbic acid strengthens a host defense of an organism, and vitamin D promotes improvement of a condition of bones. And iron and other mineral substances are necessary for the correct formation of erythrocytes and increase in hemoglobin level blood.

It would also be desirable to note that the Siberian salmon has practically no contraindications to the use unless individual intolerance of an organism.

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