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Eye cyst

Eye cyst – the high-quality new growth having a specific cavity.Киста роговицы глаза - доброкачественное образование

Eye cyst – origins and symptoms

There is a set of kinds of a cystosis of eyes. Each version demands individual treatment. By origin the cystosis of eyes can be divided on traumatic and inborn. Inflammatory or degenerative processes, inborn disturbances of an eye, long use of strong eye medicines, degenerative and parasitic processes can be the reasons of a cyst of an eye. The inborn cyst most often develops at stratification of a pigmental leaf of an iris of the eye. At a traumatic cyst of a cornea of an eye the cover epithelium of a cornea gets into a chamber of the eye. Similar penetration can happen at the getting wounds or an operative measure.

The spontaneous cyst is formed without the reason. The cyst of a cornea of an eye can be serous and pearl. The pearl cyst of a cornea of an eye represents a bluish-white compact new growth with characteristic nacreous gloss. The serous cyst represents the translucent bubble which is a little acting in an anterior chamber. An eye conjunctiva cyst – hollow education on an eye conjunctiva. The eye conjunctiva cyst often develops after the postponed infection, a sclerite, conjunctivitis, and also after a small injury.

The exudative and degenerative cyst develops at glaucoma. The pigmental cyst is quite often formed at prolonged use of antikholinesterazny means of strong action. At cancellation of drugs the cyst usually gradually disappears.

Symptoms of a cyst of an eye are shown in the form of sudden opacification before eyes, restrictions of an outlook, emergence of translucent points and dull ache in the field of an eyeglobe. The first sign of development of a cyst emergence of bubbles of the small size with reddenings around them is considered.Операция по удалению кисты глаза

Treatment of a cyst of an eye

The choice of a way of treatment of a cyst of an eye depends on the place of its arrangement, the size and the nature of emergence. In some cases cysts can resolve.

Attempts of treatment of a cyst by a puncture and suction of contents in most cases are ineffective. If this new growth arose after the postponed infection, then antiinflammatory medicines are usually appointed (emulsions, drops). As an alternative method it is possible to use national ways of treatment of a cyst of an eye. The most practical and popular way is daily washing of an eye broth from algas. Also Hindu way of treatment of a cyst special clay practices.

In more hard cases surgical intervention can be necessary. Removal of a cyst of an eye of the small size happens by means of the laser. During the procedure of removal of a wall of a cyst it is necessary to exsect completely to avoid a disease recurrence.

At rapid growth of a cyst an operative measure is shown. Surgical removal of a cyst of an eye is carried out on an outpatient basis (using local anesthesia). Usually after operation the human body is very quickly recovered. After carrying out operation most often there are no complications.

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