The cyst of a neck is a tumorous hollow education which is located on the side or front surface of a neck. Has contents in the form of liquid or gruel. Can have complications – malignant regeneration, suppuration or developing of fistula. Neck cysts in 50% of cases suppurate, and fistulas can be formed after emptying of a cyst of a neck through skin.
Cysts of a neck happen median and side.
Median cysts of a neck sometimes can proceed asymptomatically, find them often aged from 4 up to 7 years or from 10 to 14 years. Median cysts of a neck as a result of movement of a rudiment of a thyroid gland on thyroid lingual channel from the place of its education on a front part of a neck are formed. There is it on 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.
Side cysts of a neck, as a rule, reveal with the child's birth. They represent a cavity in an interval between branchiate furrows which at normal development has to disappear. Formation of side cysts of a neck happens on 4-6 weeks of pregnancy owing to anomalies of development of branchiate furrows.
Median cysts of a neck represent the painless, dense, elastic, not soldered to skin education with a clear boundary having diameter about two centimeters. Are located on the average line on the front surface of a neck and make about 40% of all cysts of a neck. Median cysts of a neck have property to be displaced during swallowing, are soldered to a hypoglossal bone and are a little mobile. Can sometimes be located in a lingual root. In such cases language is a little raised, disturbances of swallowing and the speech often develop.
Median cysts of a neck very often suppurate (in 60% of cases). At hit of an infection increase in sizes and become painful. Nearby fabrics redden and swell.
Diagnose median cysts of a neck by means of ultrasonography and a puncture of a cyst of a neck with further cytologic researches. During a puncture viscous muddy yellowish liquid which contains elements of limfoid and a cell of a flat multilayer epithelium is formed. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical data and the anamnesis. The fistular courses investigate by means of sounding and a fistulografiya.
Median cysts of a neck have similarity with language strumas, dermoid cysts, lymphadenites, specific inflammatory processes and adenomas of abnormally located thyroid gland.
Side cysts of a neck are on a front and side part of a neck, in its average or upper third. Localization of side cysts of a neck – near an internal jugular vein directly on a neurovascular bunch. Side cysts of a neck can be both single-chamber, and multichamber. When they have the big size, nerves, vessels, and also nearby bodies can be squeezed.
If there is no squeezing of a neurovascular bunch or suppuration, side cysts of a neck are not painful. Represent oval or roundish tumorous education which is easy for noticing during turn by the patient of the head to the opposite side. At a palpation painful feelings are observed. Over side cysts of a neck skin is, as a rule, not changed, and cysts are mobile, elastic and are not soldered to skin.
At suppuration of side cysts of a neck they increase in sizes and become painful. Skin over them reddens, and fistula is formed further.
Diagnose side cysts of a neck by means of a puncture with the subsequent cytologic researches of the received liquid, ultrasonography, sounding and a fistulografiya with X-ray contrast substance. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a clinical picture of a disease and the anamnesis.
Not infected side cysts of a neck are similar to extra organ tumors of a neck (lipomas, neurinoma) and a lymphogranulomatosis. Suppurated – with lymphadenitis and adenoflegmony.
Treatment of cysts of a neck exclusively operational. Operations on cysts of a neck are shown at all side cysts of a neck, and also at median cysts of a neck of any size at children and with a diameter more than one centimeter at adults. Operation on a cyst of a neck is performed under an intravenous anesthesia, it is deleted together with the capsule to warn a recurrence. During operation on a cyst to a neck by the surgeon at first the section over a cyst becomes, further it allocates and deletes a cyst together with covers. During removal of median cysts a part of a hypoglossal bone as passes through it тяж from a cyst is also removed. Operations on side cysts of a neck are heavier because of nearby nerves and vessels.
At patients of advanced age with existence of the accompanying serious illness can carry out aspiration of contents of a cyst of a neck with further washing of a cavity of a cyst antiseptic agents. In other cases this method is not used as it is insufficiently effective and has high risk of development of a recurrence.
Thanks to the minimum traumatization of fabrics at operations on neck cysts, to use of the modern equipment and imposing of internal cosmetic seams patients are returned to the minimum terms to a usual way of life.
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