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Tick-borne encephalitis

Short characteristic of a disease

Укус клеща зараженного вирусом клещевого энцефалитаTick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease which is caused by ixodic mites, leads to defeat of the central and peripheral nervous systems, causes the heavy complications which are coming to the end with paralysis and a lethal outcome.

Ixodic mites are widespread in forest and forest-steppe zones with a temperate climate. Several species of these parasites are known, but, as a rule, a tick-borne encephalitis arises after Ixodes Persulcatus stings (a taiga tick) or Ixodes Ricinus (the European forest tick). The first is more widespread in Asia, the second – in the territory of the European region. In Russia prevention of a tick-borne encephalitis is especially urgent for residents of Siberia, the Far East, the Urals and the central regions of the country.

Strict seasonality is characteristic of a tick-borne encephalitis. Cases of a tick-borne encephalitis are registered in spring and summer months when activity of carriers of an infection increases. As for infection, it occurs directly after a sting and the subsequent krovososaniye of the victim. Besides, the virus of a tick-borne encephalitis can be transmitted through a digestive tract at the use of raw milk from sick cows.

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

The average duration of an incubation interval of an infection makes 7-14 days. At initial stages a tick-borne encephalitis proves the following symptoms:

  • numbness of face skin and neck;
  • weakness in extremities and muscles;
  • fever;
  • fervescence up to 400;
  • sharp headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bystry fatigue;
  • sleep disorders.

In the acute period at patients with a tick-borne encephalitis the hyperemia of a neck, person and breast, and also an injection of scleras and conjunctivitis is noted. People are disturbed by severe pains in extremities and muscles, especially where paralyzes and paresis will be shown further. Besides, in an onset of the illness the virus of a tick-borne encephalitis can lead to frequent losses of consciousness and feeling of an oglushennost. In process of development of a disease these symptoms often develop into states close to a coma.

Clinical picture

Now specialists allocate 5 forms of a tick-borne encephalitis, each of which is characterized by any leading syndrome of a disease.

  • feverish – duration of fever makes 3-5 days. This form differs in a favorable current and bystry recovery if, of course, vaccination was done to the patient against a tick-borne encephalitis in time. The main symptoms of a disease are: nausea, headache, weakness;
  • meningeal – the most widespread option of an infection. Patients suffer from severe headaches, nausea, dizzinesses, vomiting, eye pains. The person becomes sluggish and slowed down, and unpleasant symptoms are steady throughout the entire period of treatment and can keep even at a normal temperature. In samples of cerebrospinal fluid a large amount of protein is found;
  • meningoentsefalitichesky – differs in a heavy current. A tick-borne encephalitis leads to psychomotor excitement, nonsense, hallucinations, orientation loss, epileptic seizures. At patients paresis, a cerebellar syndrome, myoclonias quickly develop. At defeat of the vegetative centers the disease provokes development of a syndrome of gastric bleeding with a plentiful hematemesis;
  • poliomiyelitichesky – is diagnosed almost for 30% of sick people. They complain of bystry fatigue, a febricula, sudden development of weakness in any extremity (further it with high probability will be subject to motive disturbances). Also sluggish paresis of cervicobrachial localization is frequent. Symptoms of a disease of a tick-borne encephalitis quickly progress. If the tick-borne encephalitis inoculation was late, at the end of the 2-3rd week at patients the atrophy of muscles develops;
  • poliradikulonevritichesky – is characterized by defeat of peripheral roots and nerves, disorders of sensitivity, sluggish paralyzes of legs which can extend to muscles of hands and a trunk.

Acute management at a tick-borne encephalitis.

Прививка при подозрении на клещевой энцефалитAt the first suspicions of tick-borne encephalitis of the patient it is necessary to hospitalize urgently in infectious department. Treatment is carried out by the general principles with observance of a bed rest and the maximum restriction of mobility for minimization of pain stimulations. As the virus of a tick-borne encephalitis causes functional disturbances of a liver, stomach and intestines – to patients the rigid diet, and also reception of vitamins of group B and C for recovery of vitamin balance is appointed.

Causal treatment comes down to purpose of homologous gamma-globulin which is entered intramusculary once a day. At full capacity the tick-borne encephalitis inoculation begins to work already in 12-24 h: body temperature decreases, headaches disappear, overall health improves.

Modern ways of treatment of a tick-borne encephalitis assume use of drugs of interferon which are administered intramusculary, intravenously or endolimfatichesk.

Prevention of a tick-borne encephalitis

At departure on the nature during the spring and summer period it is necessary to remember elementary care. For protection against mites put on clothes which close hands and legs, use repellents. There is also more efficient way to win against a tick-borne encephalitis – vaccination to which adults and children (from age of 12 months) after survey at the therapist are allowed.

If nevertheless the tick could bite the victim, then it is necessary to remove accurately a parasite and to address to infectious diseases hospital for carrying out researches on infectiousness a tick-borne encephalitis. Remember that serum is effective only within the first days from the moment of a sting therefore you should not postpone a visit to the doctor and to wait for unpleasant symptoms of a tick-borne encephalitis. Believe, after their emergence it will be far more difficult to get rid of a disease.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.