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Caffeine sodium benzoate

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from 36 rub.

Таблетки Кофеин бензоат натрияCaffeine sodium benzoate – the means stimulating a nervous system.

Pharmacological action

Caffeine sodium benzoate has direct exciting effect on a cerebral cortex, stimulates work of the respiratory, vasomotor centers of a myelencephalon, strengthens reflexes, provides mezhneyronalny conductivity in a spinal cord, increases physical activity, stirs up mental activity, eliminates drowsiness, helps to cope with fatigue.

Means stimulates a nervous system in small doses, and in high doses can do harm – sodium benzoate with caffeine is capable to have the oppressing effect on a nervous system.

Under the influence of heart and vascular mechanisms of influence of caffeine arterial pressure changes: if pressure normal, drug slightly raises it or does not influence it in general and if pressure is lowered, caffeine raises it.

It is noted also that caffeine stimulates development of a gastric juice, has diuretic effect, reduces aggregation of thrombocytes.

Release form

Release the tablets Caffeine sodium benzoate.

Indications to use

Sodium benzoate according to the instruction is shown at: the increased drowsiness, headaches caused by vascular pathologies including migraines, moderate hypotension, decrease in physical, intellectual effeciency.

Application instruction of Caffeine of sodium benzoate

Pill with caffeine can be taken irrespective of meals for days. Before going to bed it is better not to accept caffeine since there can be sleeplessness.

For increase in working capacity, drowsiness elimination to children after 12 l. and adults are given 50-100mg drug two or three р / day. Treatment can last several weeks, months.

Кофеин бензоат натрияFor treatment of headaches to children after 12 l. and the adult is shown to accept 50-100mg means two or three р / day for several days.

For treatment of not expressed arterial hypotension to children after 12 l., the adult appoint to accept 50-100mg 2-3r/put. Treatment of the lowered pressure lasts several weeks.

During therapy it is necessary to consider that the most admissible one-time dosage of sodium benzoate – 300 mg, and daily – 1000 mg.

Side effects

Harm of sodium benzoate with caffeine is that drug at intolerance or non-compliance with medical recommendations about use can cause uneasiness, concern, psychomotor excitement, headaches, epileptic seizures, dizziness, a tachypnea, sleeplessness, an aggravation of a peptic ulcer, nausea, vomiting, a nose congestion, medicinal dependence, tachycardia, increase in pressure.

Sudden cancellation of caffeine can lead to the muscular tension, braking of a nervous system, increased fatigue, drowsiness.

The drug overdose which is expressed by the increased uneasiness, abdominal pains, confusion of consciousness, dehydration, arrhythmia, a hyperthermia, headaches, the excitement which is speeded up by an urination, a shiver, muscular twitchings, nausea, vomiting with blood, spasms, a ring in ears is possible.

Harm of sodium benzoate with caffeine is shown already at its use in a dose more 300mg/days: there can be headaches, a tremor, confusion of consciousness, premature ventricular contraction, uneasiness.

Treat overdose by a gastric lavage, use of laxative drugs, absorbent carbon. If the patient has a hemorrhagic gastritis, to it enter antiacid medicines and wash out a stomach solution of sodium of chloride of 0,9%, support artificially ventilation of the lungs. If at overdose there were spasms, enter intravenously diazepam, Phenytoinum, phenobarbital, support water элекролитный balance.

Contraindications to sodium benzoate use

Sodium benzoate according to the instruction is contraindicated at alarming disorders, cardiovascular diseases of organic character, at hypersensitivity to means, a Bouveret's disease, ventricular premature ventricular contraction, hypertensia, sleep disorders, to children to 12 l.

With care appoint the tablets Caffeine sodium benzoate at advanced age, at glaucoma, epilepsy and tendency to convulsive attacks.

Can accept caffeine the feeding, pregnant women only according to special indications.

During treatment it is necessary to consider that simultaneous use of caffeine with oral contraceptives, ciprofloxacin, Disulfiramum, norfloxacin, Cimetidinum can lead to slow removal of caffeine to cookies and increase in its level in blood. Drug in combination with the drinks and drugs containing caffeine can be led to excessive stimulation of a nervous system.

Also it is necessary to consider that substance мексилетин worsens caffeine removal, and nicotine – increases. Caffeine, in turn, worsens absorption of calcium in a GIT, reduces efficiency of hypnotic drugs, drugs, accelerates absorption of cardiac glycosides, increases removal of lithium with urine.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Caffeine Sodium benzoate of an ampoule of 20% 1 Ml 10 pieces

36 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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