Application instruction:
Rather often red root is called a hedysarum. It is noted that it since the most ancient times was favourite drug of the Russian sorcerers who found application for a red root in treatment of a set of diseases.
The hedysarum grows in Mountains Altai, and received the official name thanks to color of a root which just and is red. Sometimes it is also called "a bear a root" as bears often use it for treatment of the diseases. It is noted that not only the root, but also an upper part of a hedysarum is useful. The plant possesses rather pleasant smell.
The hedysarum concerns to family of bean, is a herbaceous perennial plant which has the ligneous root going deeply to the soil. By the way, it is difficult to get it therefore in ancient times in order that the red root appeared on a surface, attracted horses or the winch.
Advantages of a plant were known to sorcerers for a long time, but modern biologists and physicians also made the investigations, and their reviews of a red root confirm that it has the mass of medicinal properties. So, for example, the hedysarum can recover sexual functions at women and men, and also to clear and improve a condition of blood.
Thanks to use of a red root it is possible to provide good antiinflammatory effect at diseases in the urogenital sphere, including at adenoma of a prostate and prostatitis. Also drugs with the maintenance of a hedysarum normalize activity of bodies of digestive tract, strengthen and stimulate cardiovascular activity, contribute to normalization of a water salt metabolism.
By means of a hedysarum it is possible to increase immunity both at children, and at adults. The plant significantly stirs up activity of a respiratory organs.
The red root has diuretic, antiinflammatory, soothing, hemopoietic, expectorant and styptic properties.
According to responses, the red root can stimulate work of the central nervous system. It is applied to treatment of various diseases of lungs, such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and pleurisy.
In traditional medicine the hedysarum is widely used for treatment of impotence, edemas, gynecologic problems at women (for example, a falling of the womb). The red root is effective and at treatment of diseases of kidneys (nephrite and pyelonephritis), blood (an anemia and anemia), a bladder (an ischuria and cystitis), a mammary gland, a liver, immune system (increase in a spleen, lymph nodes and herpes).
It is considered that the hedysarum is capable to increase protective functions of all organism. Specialists note that in a complex with a hemlock the plant is incredibly effective for any treatment of oncological diseases.
During the researches very large amount of tannins in plant roots was revealed. It is noted that it is fortifying and diuretic.
Traditional medicine recommends to apply broth from a red root at the most different diseases. It is known that he perfectly copes with treatment of bodies of digestive tract and elimination of headaches, it is effective at anemia, ponosa, female and nervous diseases.
Sometimes, except advantage, it is possible to receive also harm from this or that plant. For example, too prolonged use of drugs as it can become the reason of development of a certain disease is not recommended.
The use of antibiotics in a complex with a hedysarum as their positive effect can be completely crossed out by harm which they do to an organism is forbidden. If it is impossible to refuse completely antibiotics, then it is necessary to minimize their use at least as much as possible.
Name of drug
Red root эффекс tincture фл 100 ml, Evalar (Biysk)
244 rub.
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