Main > Food stuffs> Sesame


Description of a plant sesame

Sesame – an annual thermophilic herbaceous plant from family sesame, numbering more than thirty types, the majority of which belongs to wild-growing. Sesame generally grows in tropical and subtropical belts of Africa.

Семена кунжута

According to many historical sources sesame belongs to plants which the person cultivated one of the first some more thousands years ago.

It is considered that the most known of types – sesame Indian, received the name from the country in which it began to be cultivated for the first time as this look in a wild state does not meet. It is grown up in China, India, Korea, the countries of North America, and also in the south of Russia and in Transcaucasia.

Height of a plant varies from 50 to 100 cm. Sesame leaves wide, and flowers can strongly differ on a shade depending on a grade – from white to violet. A plant fruit the box – extended, pressed to a stalk which after ripening of seeds reveals, pouring out them. Therefore sesame seeds, as a rule, collect a little not ripened then they are finally dried in the sun.

Sesame was appreciated long since its useful properties. In the countries of its East and now add practically to all dishes. Was considered that it is one of immortality elixir components, and in treatises of Ancient India seeds of sesame represented an immortality symbol.

Useful properties of sesame

Useful properties of sesame define being its part:

  • Ashes;
  • Cellulose;
  • Macrocells among which there is most of all calcium (468 mg on 100 g of seeds), and also potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium;
  • Group B vitamins from among which leading place is taken by B4 vitamin (25,6 mg in 100 g of seeds), and also vitamins A, With, E;
  • Microelements – iron, zinc, copper, selenium and manganese.

In 100 g of seeds of sesame 573 kcal contain on average.

The calcium which is in seeds is very well acquired, and many call sesame "the king of calcium" as it is irreplaceable in a growth period, for preservation of teeth, at fractures and injuries of a musculoskeletal system, and also for prevention of the diseases caused by shortage of calcium in an organism.

One more of useful properties of sesame is that seeds are powerful antioxidants. It does them strong medical and prophylactic in fight against a senilism and oncological diseases.

Advantage of sesame

Having a number of medicinal properties, the advantage of sesame is noted at treatment of diseases of various systems of an organism.

So, at a disease of respiratory system sesame seeds, having spasmolytic and antiinflammatory effect, facilitate breath at chronic cough, pneumonia, asthma and an asthma.

At treatment of such diseases of the alimentary system as a lock, gastritis, ulcer colitis, dysentery, and also at diseases of a pancreas, liver and gall bladder, sesame has laxative, anti-toxic and vermifuge effect.

The advantage of sesame at hemorrhoids, a hypertension, bleeding of gums as he takes part in processes of synthesis of structural proteins is noted and has spasmolytic effect.

Sesame increases intelligence and strengthens memory, and at treatment of diseases of a nervous system (migraine, neuralgia, dizzinesses) it has the spasmolytic and calming effect.

Besides, the advantage of sesame is proved at treatment:

  • Urolithiasis;
  • Osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis, internal bleedings;
  • Hyperfunctions of a thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, mastopathy.

Properties and use of sesame oil

Sesame oil raises number of thrombocytes and accelerates coagulability of blood that allows to use it for treatment of an essetsialny thrombopenia, a Werlhof's disease and hemorrhagic diathesis.

Besides, oil neutralizes a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice and acidity of blood and promotes strengthening of a body and increase in muscle bulk that is often used in bodybuilding. Also it is applied in the form of enemas as an easy purgative.

Its ability belongs to other useful properties of sesame oil:

  • To calm and relax muscles;
  • To have soothing effect at a dentagra;
  • To prevent development of osteoporosis;
  • To improve lipidic exchange;
  • To bring slags out of an organism.

The oil received from sesame seeds in official medicine is applied as a basis for preparation of many fat-soluble drugs for injections. Besides, it is a basis for ointments, oil emulsions and plasters.

Culinary and medical use of sesame

Seeds of sesame are perfectly combined practically with any products, and for strengthening of aroma before addition in its food it is necessary to calcinate a little on a frying pan.

Most often sesame are used in the confectionery industry, but it can be added practically to any dishes – salads, porridges, soups, sushi, meat and fish dishes.

Sesame to treatment of various diseases is applied differently:

  • At treatment of cold and flu it is recommended to rub the warmed oil to the area of a thorax;
  • At a gastric disturbance seeds of sesame pound with honey and accept three times a day on 1 teaspoon;
  • At locks about 0,5-1 teaspoon in day of sesame oil is recommended to drink.

Use of sesame oil in cosmetology

Oil from seeds of sesame is widely applied in cosmetology that is caused by its ability:

  • To bring toxins and products of metabolism out of skin;
  • It is deep to get into skin, to soften and clear it;
  • To reduce an adverse effect of sunshine on hair and skin;
  • To rejuvenate skin (owing to antioxidant properties);
  • To regulate work of sebaceous glands, and also to reduce and smooth a time;
  • To heal and calm irritation of skin of a body and person;
  • To protect hair and nails from harmful effects (owing to antibacterial properties).
Кунжутное масло

Harm from sesame

Sesame belongs to plants which have practically no contraindications. Harm from sesame can arise only in case of individual intolerance of a plant that can be shown in the form of insignificant allergic reactions. Most often similar allergic reactions occur at people who have an allergy to such products as rye, poppy and different types of nuts (forest, cashew, pistachios).

Besides, at the increased coagulability of blood and a varicosis harm from sesame can arise in cases of abuse of seeds.

Whether you know that:

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