Main > Food stuffs> Kvass


Хлебный квасKvass is one of the most nutritious and healthy drinks. In Ancient Egypt in the 6th century B.C. cooked the drink similar on structure to our modern kvass. Already then people understood advantage of kvass as they felt it on the health. But the homeland of the real house kvass, by right, Russia is considered. Old Russian chronicles demonstrate that kvass in Kievan Rus' was used everywhere. In Russia grain kvass was everyday drink, and its existence in any house was a wellbeing symbol. The advantage of kvass house is known long ago to people and therefore this drink is actively used for prevention and treatment of many illnesses.

Kinds of house kvass, structure, useful properties and caloric content

Long since attached to this drink great value, already then special dear profession under the name "kvasnik" appeared. Such specialists made traditional Russian drink of different types:

  • Sweet;
  • Acid;
  • Mint;
  • Apple;
  • Beet;
  • Raisin;
  • White;
  • Red;
  • Okroshechny;
  • Fragrant;
  • Daily allowance;
  • Dense;
  • Kvass-Russian cabbage soup.

Traditional Slavic kvass contains a volume fraction of alcohol no more than 1,2%, it is made by incomplete spirit and milk fermentation of a must. On modern classification, grain kvass is included into category "Beer Historical, Traditional, Local". And in Russia house kvass is independent national drink and has the following versions:

  • Grain kvass;
  • Fruit kvass;
  • Berry kvass;
  • Milk kvass;
  • Okroshechny kvass.

The following useful substances are a part of the real grain kvass:

  • Water;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Mono - and disaccharides;
  • Alcohol;
  • Organic acids;
  • Starch;
  • Ashes;
  • Proteins;
  • Food fibers.

The advantage of kvass becomes obvious if to learn what valuable vitamins B it contain:

  • RR vitamin;
  • Vitamin E;
  • B1 vitamin;
  • B2 vitamin.

The grain kvass prepared from rye flour and malt is most of all known and widespread. But you should not confuse it to synthetic substitutes of kvass, kvass drinks which part solution of carbon dioxide, sweeteners and fragrances is.

The real grain kvass has the pleasant refreshing taste. It has high energy value, satisfies thirst thanks to the content of acids (milk and acetic). The carbonic acid which is contained in kvass helps digestion of food, its absorption and lifts appetite.

House kvass assumes use only of natural products:

  • Malt;
  • Bread rye or barley;
  • Raisin, dried apricots, etc. (as additives).

Caloric content of grain kvass on 100 g of a product makes 27 kcal. Thus, harm from kvass will never be, and it is difficult to revaluate advantage of kvass for the person.

Kvass use

Домашний квасThe real grain kvass – excellent help to artificial vitamins and nutritional supplements. The grain kvass prepared only from natural products can have such effects:

  • Strengthens an organism vitamins;
  • Removes pustulous diseases of skin, thanks to yeast;
  • Improves work of digestive tract;
  • Gives relief in case of atherosclerosis of arteries of legs;
  • Strengthens enamel of teeth;
  • Strengthens a potentiality.

Grain kvass exerts beneficial influence on cardiovascular system and therefore it is recommended by patients with such disturbances of health. The advantage of kvass consists in property of stabilization of a metabolism in an organism and therefore it is very useful to apply it at obesity, to include in a diet. And, it concerns not only diets which purpose is weight loss, but also medical diets. Besides, the essential advantage of kvass consisting in regulation of exchange processes in an organism consists in fine-tuning of activity of digestive tract. Substances, being a part of kvass (in the course of its fermentation) interferes with development of causative organisms.

On action on an organism grain kvass is similar to natural fermented milk products, and it can be used as a key product of food. Grain kvass since ancient times is considered good folk remedy in fight against avitaminosis and a scurvy, thanks to contents in it important vitamins and microelements.

Thus, the advantage of kvass consists in its numerous properties:

1. Kvass satisfies thirst and sates in hot season, stimulates vital activity, helps digestion of fat and meat dishes, normalizes balance of liquid and salts in a human body;

2. Kvass possesses enough vitamins and microelements. Formation of organic acids at fermentation allow to stimulate acidity of a stomach in kvass. Therefore, the advantage of kvass consists in its effective use at atrophic gastritises;

3. Kvass contains enough vitamin C, and it is applied as medicine for a scurvy and exhaustion of an organism;

4. In the course of fermentation lactic acid and some other acids therefore kvass, like curdled milk or kefir, harmful flora in intestines kills is formed, and useful supports. The use of kvass is excellent prevention of any intestinal frustration;

5. Kvass heals ulcers, strengthens enamel of teeth. It is preventive and dietary drink therefore promotes weight loss, reduces fatigue and stimulates working capacity.

Contraindications and harm of kvass

In the real house and fresh kvass there are no harmful substances. Harm from the kvass made using the correct technology will not be. But as kvass is a product of fermentation, after a while it has property to turn sour.

In industrial production grain kvass will be pasteurized or preserved, and, as a result, drink loses the useful properties. At pasteurization grain kvass on a half loses the useful qualities, and at preservation also gains harmful properties. In this case harm from kvass is possible for an organism.

The maintenance of a small share of alcohol in grain kvass demands the careful use. After the drunk kvass it is not recommended to take at once the wheel, it is better to wait hour or so. It is not recommended to use house kvass to pregnant women and small children. Harm of kvass in this case is also connected with existence of the wandering elements which can cause easy intoxication.

Kvass has potential harm at the use of this drink by persons with some diseases:

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Hypertension.

Conclusion from everything stated following: fresh house kvass can be drunk with pleasure. Except that it is tasty, the organism will receive considerable advantage of kvass, but not harm. The excessive use of any product as all know, does not bring benefit. Therefore, at the unlimited use, harm from kvass is obvious.

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