Application instruction:
Lizak – complex means for topical administration with the expressed antiseptic, fungicidal and antibacterial action.
Dosage form – tablets for a rassasyvaniye with three types of flavoring additives: mint and an anise, orange or chocolate (on 6 or 10 pieces in a blister strip packaging, in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 packagings).
Content of active ingredients is to 1 tablet:
Also auxiliary components, including lactoses monohydrate are a part of a tablet.
Lizak's use is shown at treatment of the inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity and throat caused by microorganisms, sensitive to drug:
Besides, drug is appointed to patients after surgical intervention in oral cavities or throats for prevention of infectious diseases.
With care Lizak during breastfeeding is recommended to appoint.
Expediency of use of drug at pregnancy is defined by the doctor, having compared the expected effect for mother and real harm for a fruit.
Pill for a rassasyvaniye is taken transbukkalno, that is, without swallowing and without chewing, and holding in a mouth before full dissolution. The break between reception of a tablet and food has to make 30 minutes and more.
The doctor makes purpose of drug on the basis of clinical indications.
The recommended dosing:
Duration of treatment depends on indications. It is recommended to continue administration of drug within at least 2 days after normalization of a state for prevention of a palindromia.
In the absence of therapeutic effect after 7 days of treatment it is necessary to see the attending physician for verification of the diagnosis or correction of the scheme of treatment.
In spite of the fact that Lizak is well had by adult patients and children, in rare instances use of tablets can cause side effects:
At emergence of signs of undesirable reactions drug should be cancelled.
The concomitant use of Lizak and kayeksalat can lead to severe damage of a mucous membrane of digestive tract.
Antimicrobic effect of drug is reduced by the anionic detergents which are a part of toothpaste.
To store in the dry place at a temperature up to 25 °C. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 2 years.
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