Application instruction:
Lisinopril – the drug intended for lowering of blood pressure.
Representing inhibitor of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), Lisinopril has pronounced hypotensive (lowers pressure) properties.
Also this drug cardioprotective (adjust a functional condition of a myocardium), vasodilating and natriuretic (removes with sodium salt urine) action is valuable.
Prolonged use Lisinopril allows to reduce a hypertrophy (increase in weight) of walls of arteries and a myocardium, to improve blood supply.
Responses and results of clinical trials characterize lisinopril as the drug having ability to prolong life to the patients having chronic heart failure and also to interfere with progressing of dysfunction of a left ventricle after a myocardial infarction.
Lisinopril begins to work in 1 hour after reception, in 4-6 hours - the maximum effect of drug, the general duration of therapeutic action is observed –24 hours.
At use Lisinopril by patients from arterial hypertension simplification of a condition of the patient comes in the first days of administration of drug, and the stable effect is fixed in 1-2 months.
The instruction recommends to apply Lisinopril at: various forms of arterial hypertension, a diabetic nephropathy, and also as a part of a combination therapy at early treatment of an acute myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure.
The indications specified in the instruction to Lisinopril cannot be regarded as the management to independent treatment as use of this drug can be dangerous to some categories of patients.
So, Lisinopril is not designated to persons with hypersensitivity to APF inhibitors, in particular to lisinopril, and also pregnant women and the nursing women.
The hereditary Quincke's edema and Quincke's disease in the anamnesis are also a reason for refusal of use Lisinopril.
With caution it is necessary to take Lisinopril at such diseases as:
Expediency of use Lisinopril surely should be discussed with the doctor to the patients of old age and persons which are on a diet with salt restriction.
Lisinopril, indications assume reception of various doses of drug, is produced in the tablets containing 2,5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg of active ingredient. The instruction recommends to accept Lisinopril once a day, it is desirable at the same time.
It is necessary to begin use Lisinopril at essential hypertensia with 10 mg a day, with the subsequent transition to a maintenance dose equal of 20 mg a day, at the same time, as a last resort, reception of the maximum daily dose equal of 40 mg is allowed.
Responses about Lisinopril demonstrate that the full therapeutic effect of drug can develop 2-4 weeks later after an initiation of treatment.
If after use of the maximum doses of drug the expected results were not achieved, additional reception of other hypotensive medicines is recommended.
The patients accepting diuretics in 2-3 days prior to use Lisinopril need to stop their reception. If for some reason cancellation of diuretics it is impossible, the daily dose Lisinopril has to be lowered to 5 mg.
At states with a superactivity renin-angiotensin-aldosteronovoy of the system regulating the volume of blood and blood pressure the instruction recommends to apply Lisinopril in the daily dose equal of 2,5-5 mg. The maintenance dose of drug at similar diseases is established individually depending on the size of arterial pressure.
At a renal failure the daily dose Lisinopril depends on clearance of creatinine and can vary from 2,5 to 10 mg a day.
Persistent arterial hypertension assumes reception of 10-15 mg Lisinopril in days for a long time.
Administration of drug at chronic heart failure is begun with 2,5 mg a day, and in 3-5 days increase up to 5 mg. The maintenance dose Lisinopril at this disease makes 5-20 mg a day.
Use Lisinopril at an acute myocardial infarction assumes complex therapy and is made according to the following scheme: in the first day – 5 mg, then the same dose - once a day then double amount of drug and accept once in two days, the final stage – 10 mg once a day. Lisinopril, indications determine treatment duration, at an acute myocardial infarction accept, at least, 6 weeks.
At a diabetic nephropathy the instruction recommends to accept Lisinopril on 10 mg - 20 mg a day.
Responses refer increased fatigue, a headache, dizziness, dry cough, nausea and diarrhea to the most widespread undesirable effects of the drug Lisinopril.
According to the instruction, Lisinopril can also become the reason of such side reactions of an organism as:
On condition of storage Lisinopril in the dark place at the room temperature, drug will be suitable for use within three years.
Name of drug
Lisinopril тбл 5 mg No. 30, Vertexum of closed joint stock company
76 rub.
Lisinopril тбл 10 mg No. 30, Vertexum of closed joint stock company
81 rub.
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