Main > Medical specialties> Лимфолог


Лимфолог – the specialist who is engaged in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of lymphatic system.

Лимфолог – специалист, который занимается профилактикой, диагностикой и лечением заболеваний лимфатической системы

Lymphatic system consists of numerous absorbent vessels on which the lymph, and lymph nodes slowly flows. Vessels provide outflow of excess of liquid in circulatory system, and nodes protect the person from alien microorganisms and substances, and also promote maturing of immune cells.

What diseases treats лимфолог?

The doctor лимфолог is engaged in diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases:

  • hand lymphostasis after a resection of a mammary gland;
  • lymphoma;
  • limfedema;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • lymphostasis of the lower extremities.

Hand lymphostasis after removal of a mammary gland and a lymphostasis of the lower extremities

In most cases the lymphostasis of a hand is shown after removal of a breast. There is it as a result after operation natural current of a lymph is broken. Owing to what persistent hypostasis of a hand in which treatment the doctor лимфолог is engaged develops.

If hypostasis well responds to treatment, then lymphologies call it a postmastektomichesky lymphostasis. Happens that hypostasis progresses and passes into other disease – limfedy.

On consultation лимфолог defines disease severity of the patient and chooses the corresponding treatment.

The lymphostasis of the lower extremities results also from disturbance of outflow of a lymph. Happens inborn, owing to an underdevelopment of lymphatic system, or acquired, resulting from tumors, postoperative hems, traumatic damages, etc.

Treatment of a lymphostasis is divided into two stages:

  • Out-patient treatment at the doctor of a limfolog. A set of special exercises which promote recovery of force and flexibility of hands and legs is carried out, improve a drainage. For compression of hypostasis the corresponding sleeve or an elastic roller which prevents liquid accumulation is selected. лимфолог trains the patient for consultation in methods of prevention of an infection and care of skin, selects a personal diet and watches body weight.
  • Surgical treatment. If out-patient treatment does not yield positive takes, or the disease quickly progresses, лимфолог advises the patient to perform surgery for the purpose of recovery of lymphatic outflow.

Specialization of a limfolog: lymphoma

Lymphoma – cancer of lymphatic system. It is characterized by existence of tumors in internals and lymphatic system. The main symptom of a lymphoma is the hyperadenosis in a groin, on a neck and in armpits which will not respond to treatment antibiotics and do not decrease in sizes.

On consultation лимфолог will tell the patient that there are two groups of tumors of lymphatic system: Hodzhkin's lymphoma and nekhodzhinsky lymphoma. The correct diagnosis of a type of a lymphoma as further treatment, and, therefore, and result depends on it is very important.

For diagnosis лимфолог uses different methods, but the main thing is the biopsy which allows to define existence of tumor cells in fabric. Besides, the doctor лимфолог uses MRT, KG and X-ray by means of which it is possible not only to reveal existence of a tumor, but also to define a disease stage.

Treatment of a lymphoma depends on its form, a stage and symptoms. If the lymphoma proceeds asymptomatically and does not develop, then it does not demand treatment. But as soon as it will begin to develop, it is necessary to start its treatment. If the tumor has local localization, then she is treated by means of radiotheraphy or chemotherapy.

Treatment of aggressive lymphoma is carried out by means of several courses of chemotherapy. If this method of treatment does not yield positive takes, carry out transplantation of stem cells or marrow.

Specialization of a limfolog: limfedema

Limfedema – the hypostasis of soft tissues resulting from disturbance of outflow of a lymph. Doctors of a lymphology divide limfedy into two types:

  • Inborn when the person is already born with insufficiency of lymph nodes;
  • Acquired, resulting from infectious or traumatic process, and also after removal of tumors.

Sometimes, that at patients the chronic limfedema which, according to limfolog, will practically not respond to treatment develops. Such symptoms as weakness, reddening, pain and feeling of a raspiraniye in the affected extremity, disturbance of its mobility, are signs of a limfedema and demand immediate consultation from a limfolog.

Unfortunately, the limfedema will not respond to drug treatment. Antibiotics and other drugs of a lymphology are appointed only for elimination of the accompanying symptoms. In rare instances the doctor лимфолог can advise surgical treatment for removal of excess tissue of skin.

Specialization of a limfolog: lymphogranulomatosis

Lymphogranulomatosis, or Hodzhkin's disease – a malignant tumor of an adenoid tissue. Most often this disease meets at children's age, and also in 20 and 50 years. Exact origins of a lymphogranulomatosis are unknown. Presumably, it results from influence of a virus of Epstein-Burra which leads to a mutation in lymphocytes therefore they begin to breed uncontrolledly.

The main symptom of a lymphogranulomatosis is the painful hyperadenosis demanding urgent consultation from a limfolog.

For diagnosis of a disease лимфолог without fail appoints to the patient biochemical and general blood tests, ultrasonography of peripheral lymph nodes, a small pelvis and an abdominal cavity, and also a thorax X-ray analysis. To finalize the diagnosis, the doctor лимфолог conducts a histologic research of a sample of the tumoral fabric received as a result of a biopsy.

All these diagnostic methods help to define a form and a stage of a disease and to choose the corresponding treatment.

When it is necessary to address a limfolog?

  • When developing hypostases upper or lower body;
  • At a hyperadenosis in axillary and inguinal areas, on a neck and a stomach;
  • At consolidation of lymph nodes;
  • At morbidity of lymph nodes.

Diagnostic methods which are carried out by the doctor лимфолог

Before conducting diagnostic testings лимфолог on consultation conducts the patient's survey into the account of complaints and the nature of disease. Finds out a possible cause of illness then performs inspection of the damaged body part. For confirmation of the diagnosis лимфолог uses the following methods of a research:

  • Limfostsintigrafiya – a research at which a small amount of radioactive material is entered into lymphatic ways also is carried out scanning of vessels;
  • Computer tomography – the X-ray inspection allowing to visualize layer-by-layer bodies and fabrics;
  • And magnetic water the magnetic and resonant research based on combined use electronic;
  • The duplex ultrasonic scanning allowing to determine lymph current speed in vessels and existence of an obstacle;
  • Limfangiografiya – a research at which enter special dye into absorbent vessel.
Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.