Main > Diseases> Lymphostasis


Лимфостаз конечностей

The lymphostasis (a limfedema, lymphatic hypostasis) – an inborn or acquired disease, persistent hypostasis which is followed by consolidation of skin, a noticeable thickening of extremities leads further to formation of ulcers and development of elephantiasis. The lymphostasis arises owing to disturbance of balance between lymphization and its outflow from capillaries and peripheral absorbent vessels in tissues of extremities and bodies, to the main lymphatic collectors and a chest channel.

The progressing lymphostasis destroys lymphatic system, causing constant psychological injuries in the patient, and results physical sufferings in disability.

According to WHO data, most often young women (about 10% of all population of Earth) and elderly people get sick with a lymphostasis.

Lymphostasis reasons

Depending on origins, the lymphostasis shares on primary and secondary. Congenital anomaly of absorbent vessels is considered the reason of primary lymphostasis. Sometimes the disease can be revealed right after the birth, but, most often, the disease is shown and found in the first half of life, during puberty.

The phenomena of the following order can be the cause of a secondary lymphostasis:

  • Emergence of benign and malignant tumors of lymphatic system
  • Various injuries (mechanical damages, burns, radiation exposure, etc.) damaging absorbent vessels and lymph nodes
  • Slow-moving way of life of the patient (generally at bed patients)
  • The chronic diseases resulting in venous insufficiency and a lymphostasis of extremities, which are complicated by a posttromboflebitichesky disease, most often at elderly people
  • Staphylococcal and parasitic infections

Also, the reasons of a secondary lymphostasis can become:

  • Erysipelatous inflammation of the lower extremities
  • Obesity
  • Klippel-Trenone's syndrome
  • A chest
  • cavity operations concerning oncology

Stages and symptoms of a lymphostasis

Distinguish 3 stages of development of a lymphostasis:

  • At the 1st stage the slight reversible hypostasis developing by the evening and vanishing in the mornings after a dream is observed. Over time hypostases become systematic and though patients at this stage seldom see a doctor, the appearing concern forces them to apply folk remedies and to self-medicate (to bandage the swelling extremities, to draw an iodic grid, to put compresses). At this stage connective tissue growths did not begin yet and at the timely address to the doctor and adequate treatment, the disease recedes.
  • At the 2nd stage symptoms of a lymphostasis increase and characterized by already irreversible hypostasis, there is a growth of connecting fabrics and hardening of skin. Stiffness of an integument can cause pain at the patient. When pressing fabrics during the long period there is a pole. At this stage patients, most often see a doctor. Despite complexity of treatment if the patient makes necessary efforts and implements recommendations of the doctor, recovery is possible.
  • Symptoms of a lymphostasis increase by 3 stages and the disease accepts irreversible character. There are fibroses, cysts, the expressed lymphostasis of extremities is shown, their contour is lost, functions are broken, there comes the stage of elephantiasis and restriction of mobility. In the absence of treatment there are trophic ulcers, an erysipelatous inflammation, eczema.

Problems are more and more aggravated, and can lead to many heavy complications, up to sepsis and a lethal outcome.

Diagnosis of a lymphostasis

  • Diagnosis of a lymphostasis consists in carrying out the following inspections:
  • clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and urine
  • consultation of the vascular surgeon with inspection of bodies of a chest cavity and ultrasonography of abdominal organs, small pelvis and veins of the lower extremities (at a lymphostasis of extremities)
  • limfografiya of absorbent vessels for specification of their passability

If necessary, for diagnosis of a lymphostasis, consultations of other specialists are appointed.

Treatment of a lymphostasis

Irrespective of a stage of a disease and symptoms of a lymphostasis, all patients are subject to dispensary observation of an angiokhirurg. The purpose of the carried-out treatment consists in normalization of outflow of a lymph from the lower extremities and other bodies. Компрессионный бандаж - средство лечения лимфостаза

Treatment of a lymphostasis - long and difficult process. Hardware techniques (a pneumomassage, magnetotherapy, laser therapy) in combination with complex conservative methods (a manual lymphatic drainage, imposing of a compression bandage) are applied.

From medicines venotonik of polyvalent action with lymphotropic effect, for improvement of peripheric circulation – vasoprotectives, prostaglandins, the antibioticotherapia immunostimulating, the diuretic and desensibilizing therapy are appointed.

The great value at treatment of a lymphostasis is attached to observance of a subcaloric diet with restriction of table salt, physiotherapy exercises and the general activation: occupations run, swimming, etc. The patient's spirit, his commitment to recovery, implementation of medical recommendations is also important.

Treatment of a lymphostasis folk remedies

Treatment of a lymphostasis folk remedies consists in clarification of an organism by means of enemas by different techniques, the use of apple cider vinegar, juice of a dandelion, plantain, mix of red grape wine and fresh red beet juice, water tincture of horse-radish or bark of an aspen. Are used at treatment of a lymphostasis by folk remedies also broths of a marjoram, a ninety-knot, branches of a fir, leaves and flowers of a fireweed.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.