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Leaves for weight loss

People use leaves for weight loss in salads as a component of many diets. Шпинат - калорийность и эффективностьGreens caloric content low, but also, it is vitamin-rich also mineral salts.

Fennel for weight loss

Fennel – the good means helping to fight against excess weight that who is not ready to rigid restrictions of diets or the exhausting trainings. Dill leaves are suitable for weight loss for several reasons:

  • Bring excesses of water out of an organism, struggle with hypostases, and water makes a considerable part of excess weight;
  • Improve work of the alimentary system, accelerating advance and digestion of food;
  • Normalize a metabolism;
  • Also celluloses are an important natural source of vitamins, mineral salts;
  • Stabilize a nervous system.

Fennel as greens for weight loss can be added fresh in unlimited number to salads, second courses, to fish and meat. You should not wait for transcendental results on decrease in excess weight therefore it is the best of all to use fennel for weight loss as addition to the main diet.

Plus dill greens for weight loss also that the aromatic substances which are contained in a plant are capable to suppress excess appetite, to reduce feeling of hunger. A fennel alternative in salad is its decoction or tea from seeds. There are practically no contraindications to use of fennel for weight loss – it the plant is useful for all. The only exception – it should be used more carefully to people with the lowered arterial pressure (hypotonia) as pressure decreases even more.

Sorrel – leaves for weight loss

The sorrel is one - or a perennial plant with the leaves having acid taste (thanks to oxalic acid) who can be met practically everywhere. It can grow in a wild look or be cultivated by people.

The sorrel for weight loss is used in salads or for a dessert. It improves digestion, reducing putrefactive fermentation in intestines, thus, is capable to lose excess weight. Oxalic leaves are suitable for weight loss also because in them there is a lot of iron which deficit is usually formed at restrictions in food.

Caloric content of a sorrel makes only 19 kcal on 100 g of leaves. It allows to use this sheet vegetable in unlimited number, without being afraid to grow stout. Low caloric content of a sorrel allows to recommend it for inclusion in a diet to people with obesity. In the use of this product it has to be careful by persons with an urolithiasis and tendency to formation of calcic stones.

Spinach fights against extra kilos too

Low caloric content of spinach and existence in it of a large amount of nutrients do this sheet culture by an ideal product for those who aim to lose excess weight. Spinach also well removes excess of water.

The main thing - in preparation time not to go too far in fats. Укроп для похудения - полезные свойстваQuite widespread noodles and spinach casserole with eggs – very tasty and easy dish for a breakfast which for a long time will leave feeling of satiety and calories at the same time contains very little. Spinach caloric content – only 20 kcal 100 g fresher than greens.

For weight loss leaves of spinach can be used both in fresh, and in thermally processed look, but fresh (with a period of storage to 2 days) it is much more useful to health. On taste it is almost neutral so it is suitable for addition in many dishes. Sometimes it is used purely in the decorative purposes as spinach gives to the test, vegetable puree or a dessert pleasant greenish color.

For weight loss leaves of spinach do not recommend only to persons with a gouty diathesis, to rheumatism, an urolithiasis and with stones in biliary tract. It is explained by existence in them of a large amount of oxalic acid. Despite the low caloric content of greens of spinach, these states are limiting factors in use of spinach in food.

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