Application instruction:
Lorista – the medicine used with the increased arterial pressure and heart failure.
Active ingredient of Lorista is лозартан which has ability to block angiotensin 2 receptors in heart, kidneys, vessels, bark of adrenal glands that leads to reduction of vasoconstriction (narrowing of a gleam of arteries), decrease in the general peripheric resistance and as result, to reduction of arterial pressure.
At heart failure of Lorist, responses confirm, increases endurance of patients at exercise stresses, and also prevents development of a hypertrophy of a myocardium. The maximum concentration of a lozartan in blood can be observed in 1 hour after oral administration of Lorista while the metabolites formed in a liver begin to work in 2,5-4 hours.
Lorista of N and Lorista of ND represents the combined drugs which active ingredients are лозартан and a hydrochlorothiazide. The hydrochlorothiazide has the expressed diuretic effect which is caused by ability of substance to influence processes of the second phase of an uropoiesis representing a reabsorption (absorption) of ions of water, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sodium and also to detain removal of uric acid and calcium ions. The hydrochlorothiazide has hypotensive properties which are explained by its action directed to expansion of arterioles.
The diuretic effect of this substance can be observed in 1-2 hours after Lorista's use of N while hypotensive action develops in 3-4 days.
The instruction recommends to use Lorist's drug at:
According to the instruction, Lorist the N is appointed in need of the combined treatment by antihypertensives and diuretics.
Lorista, use assumes preliminary consultation of the doctor, is not appointed with the lowered arterial pressure, dehydration, a hyperpotassemia, a lactose intolerance, a syndrome of the broken absorption of glucose and a galactose, hypersensitivity to a lozartan. It is necessary to refuse Lorista's use to pregnant women and the nursing patients, and also persons which did not reach 18 years. Lorista of N, in addition to above-mentioned contraindications, is not appointed at the expressed renal failures or a liver and an anury (lack of urine in a bladder).
With care Lorist's pill should be taken to persons with a renal or liver failure, with disturbances of water and electrolytic balance, at the reduced volume of the circulating blood.
Lorista is issued in the form of the tablets containing 100, 50, 25 or 12,5 mg of a lozartan of potassium. Drug should be accepted inside once a day.
At arterial hypertension, for decrease in risk of development of a stroke, and also for the purpose of protection of kidneys at the patients suffering from a diabetes mellitus, the instruction recommends to take Lorist's pill in the daily dose equal of 50 mg. In need of achievement of more expressed effect the dose can be increased to 100 mg a day. As responses testify, Lorista develops the anti-hypertensive effect within 3-6 weeks of treatment. At a concomitant use of high doses of diuretics Lorista's use should be begun with 25 mg a day. Also lower dose of drug is recommended to be accepted to persons with abnormal liver functions.
At chronic insufficiency Lorist's drug, use assumes odnovremenna reception of diuretics and cardiac glycosides, is applied according to a certain scheme. Within the first week of treatment Lorist should accept 12,5 mg a day, then every week the daily dose needs to be increased by 12,5 mg. If administration of drug is correctly carried out, the fourth week of treatment will be begun with 50 mg of Lorista a day. Further treatment by Lorist's drug needs to be continued, accepting the maintenance dose corresponding of 50 mg.
Lorista of N represents the tablets containing 50 mg of a lozartan and 12,5 mg of a hydrochlorothiazide.
Lorist's tablets of ND contain the same combination of substances, only twice their bigger quantity – 100 mg of a lozartan and 25 mg of a hydrochlorothiazide.
At arterial hypertension the recommended daily dose of Lorista of N – 1 tablet, if necessary is allowed reception of 2 tablets in days. If at the patient reduction of volume of the circulating blood is observed, it is necessary to begin drug use with the daily dose equal of 25 mg. It is necessary to take Lorist's pill of N after correction of volume of the circulating blood and cancellation of diuretics.
As responses testify, it is reasonable to Lorist to accept N at risk of cardiovascular diseases if monotherapy lozartany did not help to reach the target objective of arterial pressure. The recommended drug dose in days – 1-2 tablets.
Responses and clinical trials refer to side effects of tablets of Lorist:
As a rule, the listed undesirable effects of drug of Lorist have short-term and weak action.
Side effect of Lorista of N is in many respects similar to reactions of an organism to Lorista's use.
The instruction recommends to store Lorist's drugs in the place where air temperature does not exceed 300C.
Period of validity of Lorista of N – 3 years, Lorista in the form of tablets on 50 mg – 5 years, other forms of drug – 2 years.
Name of drug
Lorista тбл п/пл/о 12,5 mg No. 30 *, KRKA/KRKA-RUS
138 rub.
Lorista тбл п/пл/о 25 mg No. 30 *, KRKA/KRKA-RUS
189 rub.
Lorista тбл п/пл/о 50 mg No. 30, KRKA/KRKA-RUS
199 rub.
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