
Vrach-manualist is engaged in what diagnoses and treats backbone diseases. At the same time the manualist along with problems of a back and extremities very often cures also other serious internal diseases.

Мануалист - врач, который диагностирует и лечит заболевания позвоночника

You should not confuse the manual therapy which is not so long ago recognized as official medicine to massage. Methods of diagnosis and work of massage therapists and manualist are similar, but if the first work with soft tissues, then the second – with joints and bones.

As the manualist works

Exists several delusions, work-related doctors-manualistov. For some reason it is considered that their work is accompanied by causing pain to the patient. But it absolutely not so if it is about the professional, the doctor with big practice and huge knowledge base.

Technology of manual therapy assumes use of the most different working methods: pressings, twisting, extension, bending and extension, stirrings, blows and pressings. But all these manipulations can cause severe pain only at the inept address with a backbone and the patient's joints. Usually even those pains which disturbed the person to the appeal to a manualist disappear after several sessions.

Quite normal phenomenon is dizziness, drowsiness or easy excitement after work of the doctor-manualista. It can guard someone, but these symptoms by the fact that the back, a neck, extremities warm up are caused, and, as a result, blood supply and food of a brain improve.

One more delusion is connected with the fact that visit only of those several first sessions saving from pain seems to much quite sufficient. But even standard six or seven sessions of manual therapy can be a little for a solution. Very often the manualist collects the full anamnesis, and appoints to the patient in addition drugs, courses of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage, develops individual exercises.

If problems with bones or joints were already designated, it is important not to forget to address periodically the doctor-manualistu, otherwise the disease will not pass, and with age also will be aggravated. It is considered that in a year it is possible to pass no more than 15 sessions, that is these are only two courses of therapy. At the same time the break surely becomes not less than 2,5 months. These are the general recommendations, the manualist develops the individual schedule for each person.

As it was already told, the standard course of manual therapy lasts about 6-7 sessions. It seems to some insufficient, but work with a backbone demands the careful relation to it: aggressive impact on vertebrae can lead to their stretching. Therefore if to you suggest to pass 15 and more sessions at once, it has to guard. It is better to refuse services of such doctor-manualista.

When it is necessary to address a manualist

Address the doctors practicing manual therapy if hand, legs and backbone pains disturb if diagnoses "scoliosis" or "kyphosis", or others, the diagnoses connected with the inborn or acquired deformation of a backbone are made.

Those who had injuries of the head or a backbone also address manualist – specialists quite successfully cope with their effects.

As become manualist

It will be useful to learn about it also that to whom studying of this direction of medicine is interesting, and that who looks for the good specialist for himself or the relatives.

And so, the doctor-manualist is the one who got the higher medical education and the corresponding qualification in due time that is confirmed by the certificate. No courses can replace to a manualist of the higher education – this specialist has to own profound knowledge about functionality of internals of the person and their interrelation.

Establishment in which the doctor-manualist or he works if conducts a private practice, have to have the state license for conducting similar activity.

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