Application instruction:
Menopur – the drug of a menopauzny human gonadotrophin relating to group of menotropin.
Dosage form – the lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injections representing a briquette of almost white or white color (in bottles of 2 ml, 5 bottles complete with 5 ampoules of solvent (on 1 ml) in a planimetric strip packaging, 1 or 2 packagings in a pack cardboard).
Active ingredients:
Additional components: sodium hydroxide, Acidum hydrochloricum, polysorbate 20, lactoses monohydrate.
Solvent (colourless transparent solution): isotonic solution of sodium of chloride.
For women:
For men: stimulation of a spermatogenesis at the oligoastenospermiya or an azoospermism which developed owing to primary or secondary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (in a combination with drugs of a chorionic gonadotrophin of the person (HGch), for example, Horagon).
Absolute for patients of both floors:
In addition for women:
In addition for men: prostate cancer or existence of other androgenzavisimy tumors.
Menopur enter subcutaneously (п / to) or intramusculary (in oil). Lyophilisate is dissolved the solvent enclosed in packaging just before an injection.
If the doctor did not order other scheme of treatment, usually apply the dosing modes described below.
To women:
To men for stimulation of a spermatogenesis 3 times a week enter 1000-3000 ME HGch until normalization of level of testosterone into blood. Further 3 times a week enter Menopur in a dose 75-150 ME within several months.
Before Menopur's appointment it is recommended to carry out haemo concentration correction, and also the corresponding treatment in the presence of associated diseases, such as tumors of gipotalamo-pituitary area, a giperprolaktinemiya, a hypothyroidism, insufficiency of bark of adrenal glands.
Drug is usually inefficient at men with primary testicular insufficiency what the high level of follicle-stimulating hormone testifies to.
Before Menopur's use concerning infertility for women it is necessary to estimate a condition of ovaries: to conduct ultrasonic examination and to determine oestradiol level in a blood plasma. The same measures need to be undertaken systematically and during all course of treatment, daily or every other day.
It is necessary to consider that drugs of a menopauzny human gonadotrophin can cause in women hyper stimulation of ovaries which is shown by clinical signs after administration of drugs HGch for the purpose of an ovulation and is expressed as formation of big cysts of ovaries. The thromboembolic syndrome, ascites, arterial hypotension and a hydrothorax with an oliguria can accompany this process.
At emergence of the first signs (an abdominal pain and/or the educations in the bottom of a stomach palpated or defined at ultrasonography) which can demonstrate hyper stimulation of ovaries, Menopur it is necessary to cancel immediately.
In case of development of hyper stimulation of ovaries it is not necessary to administer the drug HGch for the purpose of an ovulation.
If necessary Menopur can be applied in a combination with Horagon (drug HGch) to induction of an ovulation at women (after stimulation of growth of follicles) and stimulations of a spermatogenesis at men.
To store at a temperature up to 25 °C in the place protected from light influence. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 2 years.
Name of drug
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