Damage of walls of the smallest blood vessels is called a mikroangiopatiya. Mikroangiopatiya can be a symptom of the most various diseases.
Cerebral mikroangiopatiya call damage of the small vessels of a brain which are responsible for metabolism processes. The similar state develops owing to chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation. On its background the brain of the person has deficiency of glucose and oxygen for a long time – the main metabolic substrates which are provided with a normal blood-groove. Gradually brain dysfunction which main target are smallest brain arteries develops.
Mikroangiopatiya of a brain leads to diffusion bilateral ischemic defeat of preferential white matter, and also numerous lacunary heart attacks of deep sites of a brain. Disturbances of normal work of a brain are clinically shown in the form of various encephalopathies. Cerebral mikroangiopatiya can develop owing to atherosclerosis or arterial hypertension. It is obvious that prevention of their emergence is timely and adequate treatment of a basic disease.
The damage to vessels at a diabetes mellitus caused by the high level of glucose of blood can be shown also in the form of such complications as diabetic mikroangiopatiya. At a diabetic mikroangiopatiya arterioles, venules and capillaries of various localization are damaged.
Obviously, as clinical manifestations of a diabetic mikroangiopatiya can be the most various. Anyway the metabolism in fabrics is complicated – intake of nutrients, and removal of decomposition products is reduced. As a result the fabric hypoxia – air hunger develops. Vessels are narrowed, and the course of a disease at the same time worsens.
Pressure vessels grows in promiseds, the high level of sugar of blood causes an inflammation and hypostasis of vascular walls. The most sharply diabetic mikroangiopatiya proceed in kidneys and eyes, causing a nephropathy and a retinopathy of varying severity (in particular microaneurysms). The special attention of the clinical physician is required by also diabetic mikroangiopatiya of a liver.
Treatment of a diabetic mikroangiopatiya consists first of all in normalization of level of sugar of blood. Today there is a set of the modern drugs allowing to reach necessary effect. If necessary to patients appoint insulin.
Besides, in the conditions of a hospital reception of vasoprotectives – the drugs recovering walls of vessels, and the drugs improving microblood circulation is reasonable (пентоксифиллин, etc.). Efficiency of antioxidants (vitamin E, selenium, etc.), vitamins of group B and drugs of lipoic acid is also proved.
If necessary normalization of arterial pressure is required. Recommend to patients with diabetic mikroangiopatiya observance of a diet (sometimes low-salt) and an exception of addictions. Performing specific routine inspection at least once a year is reasonable.
Various mikroangiopatiya can develop owing to defeats of connecting fabrics, infectious diseases and development of cancer tumors. Mikroangiopatiya can be shown also in the form of a renal failure and diseases of blood (trombotichesky mikroangiopatiya). Mikroangiopatiya are frequent symptoms of an idiopathic hypertensia, meet in the form of retinopathies at AIDS.
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
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