Main > Diseases> Hysteromyoma


Виды миомы матки

The new growths arising in muscular tissue of a uterus carry the name a hysteromyoma (differently – a leymioma or a fibromyoma). The disease this high-quality is also shown against the background of the hormonal imbalance in a female body provoked by various morbid conditions: polyps, anovulations or hyperplasia of endometrial fabric.

The sizes of a hysteromyoma can significantly vary: from tiny (about a pea) to the tumors reaching really huge sizes when myomatous nodes increase to the volume of the full-term pregnancy and weight more than three kilograms. Formation of a hysteromyoma also variously – it can be one large new growth, or the whole cluster of tumors, small by the size.

Types of a hysteromyoma

Specialists subdivide hysteromyomas into the following types (depending on the place of formation of myomatous nodes):

- intersticial (intraparietal);

- subserous (subperitoneal);

- submucous (submucosal);

- intraligamentarny (intercopular).

According to official data of medical statistics in most cases formation of a hysteromyoma has multiple character, i.e. several myomatous nodes, various in size and the place of their arrangement in uterus tissue are at the same time formed.

Hysteromyoma reasons

Opinions of modern physicians are shared concerning the original reasons of formation of a hysteromyoma. Most of specialists incline to a thought of the hormonal nature of developing of a disease and claim that wrong ratio of sex hormones in a female body is responsible for morbid condition of structure of an endometria and disturbance of metabolism.

The latest researches in the field of a research of the reasons of a hysteromyoma prove that the etiology of a disease is not so elementary as it is accepted to describe traditionally in medical reference books. Today even more often refer impact on an organism of the woman of psychosomatic factors to the disease prime causes – long stresses, depressions, feeling of a hopelessness, loneliness, depression, the long family conflicts, etc.

Also the following pathogenic factors belong to the reasons of a hysteromyoma:

- the undergone operations on abortion (abortions);

- the increased blood pressure;

- obesity;

- diabetes mellitus;

- the increased level of estrogen (female sex hormones);

- lack of full-fledged intimate life.

Women of childbearing age treat the main risk group on development of a hysteromyoma, their percent in total number of patients with myoma makes (according to various data) from 20 to 50 percent. After fading of genital function at the woman the incidence percent significantly decreases.

Hysteromyoma symptoms

Причины и симптомы миомы маткиCarry morbid conditions which have to draw surely attention of the woman to the most characteristic symptoms of a hysteromyoma is unexpected intermenstrual and unusually plentiful menstrual bleedings.

Pain at a hysteromyoma can differ on intensity and the place of localization of pain. Pains in pelvic area are, as a rule, described by sick women as feeling of a constant raspiraniye, unclear and causeless weight in the bottom of a stomach (the similar feeling arises when the hysteromyoma reaches the big sizes and begins to squeeze internals, close to it).

The new growths located in a cavity of the uterus can project pain of skhvatkoobrazny character since the muscular layer of a uterus has property periodically to be reduced, as if trying to push out the myoma which is inside.

Acute and pristupoobrazny pain demonstrates disturbance of blood supply of a hysteromyoma.

The painless, but rather large myomatous nodes of irregular shape located on a midline of a stomach and having mobility can easily be found at an independent palpation of an abdominal cavity.

Carry deviations in work of cardiovascular system to number of the indirect reasons of a hysteromyoma. This factor is caused by the fact that at a disease of a hysteromyoma in a female body the latent or explicit anemia develops, i.e. there is a considerable decrease in level of hemoglobin in blood. In direct link with this reason there is an emergence of a syndrome of chronic fatigue, bystry fatigue, decrease in working capacity and mood.

The raised blood losses become constants and without due treatment of a hysteromyoma accept character of a chronicity that in turn causes disturbance of functions of a hemopoiesis, coagulability of blood and finally lead to disturbances in work of all bodies and systems in a female body.

Existence at least of one of the above-stated symptoms demonstrates suspicion on a hysteromyoma. The timely address to a hospital which is carried out clinical laboratory inspections and treatment of a hysteromyoma guarantees to the woman full healing and preservation of her genital health.

Diagnosis of a hysteromyoma

The early stage of formation of a disease differs in extremely low interest of diagnosing of a hysteromyoma. Women should not neglect regular visits to medical institution for carrying out routine gynecologic inspection at all. Manual (bimanual) inspection allows to diagnose nodal education in a uterus at the most initial stage when were not created yet and diseases, any of the above-stated signs of existence, were not shown.

For the most exact diagnosis of a hysteromyoma the gynecologist can appoint the following types of medical examinations:

- ultrasonography;

- hysteroscopy;

- kolposkopiya;

- tservikoskopiya;

- laparoscopy;

- kuldoskopiya;

- radiological inspection.

Taking into account indications the intake of fabrics of a myomatous node for a histologic and cytologic research can be appointed (for an exception of a possibility of an ozlokachestvleniye of a new growth).

Treatment of a hysteromyoma

Methods of treatment of a hysteromyoma are subdivided on surgical and medicamentous. Indications for carrying out surgery of a hysteromyoma are:

- plentiful long bleedings;

- the anemia developing against the background of a hysteromyoma;

- quickly progressing growth of a tumor;

- the female infertility caused by an atypical arrangement of a myomatous node;

- a hysteromyoma, combined with endometriosis and a tumor of ovaries;

- suspicion on ozlokachestvleny new growths;

Лечение миомы матки при помощи трав боровой матки- submucosal arrangement of myoma;

- cervical arrangement of myoma;

- myoma necrosis.

Hormonal means – progesterone and its derivatives belong to the medicamentous drugs appointed at treatment of a hysteromyoma first of all.

Treatment of a hysteromyoma folk remedies effectively and reasonably only when the age of sick women exceeds 40-45 years and is done natural decrease in production of female sex hormones. Before a hysteromyoma initiation of treatment natural means (phytodrugs or by homeopathic methods) preliminary consultation with the doctor is necessary.

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