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Men's climax

Men's climax – the inevitable period in the man's life which is characterized by the sexual involution caused by age changes. Statistically, more than a third of men test classical symptoms of a climax while at the others this physiological process can proceed asymptomatically.

Men's climax: natural processes of reorganization of an organism

Мужской климакс - это нарушение гормонального фонаThe men's climax is the natural physiological process which is characterized by fading of reproductive function with quite wide age framework. So, the climax at men can come aged from 40 (an early climax) to 70 (a late climax) years. During this period there is a complex reorganization of functioning of all systems of an organism, the hypodynamia of gonads (insufficiency of secretion of sex hormones) develops. In the period of a men's climax disturbance of functioning of a chain "a hypothalamus – a hypophysis – testicles" which completely regulates products of sex hormones – androgens (the steroid hormones produced by gonads) is observed. This disturbance, in turn, attracts change of hormonal balance of an organism.

Change of level of androgens caused introduction of such term as the andropauz designating decrease in level of male sex hormones. However many specialists prefer to apply the term "partial androgenic insufficiency of elderly men".

Researches showed that during from 30 to 40 years in a male body there is a decrease in development of androgens by 1 – 3%. After 40 years this process considerably accelerates. By 80 years the level of sex hormones at men is on average 40-50% lower than physiological norm for maintenance of normal sexual and reproductive function.

Approach of a men's climax does not mean development of impotence at all. These two concepts mistakenly consider identical while the men's climax means decrease in fertility (reduction or total absence of spermatozoa, live, active, capable to fertilization), decrease or total absence of sexual desire with preservation of an erection. While impotence is a disturbance of erectile function at which there is an insufficient erection for natural sexual intercourse.

There is a number of the factors promoting early approach of a men's climax:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of generative organs, STD (latent or in the anamnesis);
  • New growths of testicles of malignant and high-quality character;
  • Influence of toxic substances on an organism in general;
  • Disturbance of blood circulation in testicles and blood supplies of testicles;
  • Radiation exposure.

Symptoms of a men's climax

Time of approach and expressiveness of symptoms of a men's climax depends on the general condition of an organism, a way of life, sexual activity of the man. The correct way of life with the corresponding mode of rest and work, healthy food, activity promote easier course of climacteric changes in a male body. While smoking, an alcohol abuse, a slow-moving way of life, high intensity of work with insufficient time for rest and recovery of an organism significantly aggravate a current of a men's climax.

Symptoms of a men's climax are shown first of all by change of the general condition of an organism:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Irritability;
  • Suspiciousness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Depressions;
  • The increased sweating.

As specific symptoms of a climax at men are considered:

  • Disturbance of cordial function – development of arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • Inflows – erubescence of the person, neck, hands;
  • Notable changes of arterial pressure;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Asthma, feeling of shortage of air.

Disturbance of sexual function at a men's climax is very specific. As a rule, this process happens rather slowly. At most of men it is observed at normal erectile function:

  • The accelerated ejaculation;
  • Reduction of duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Frustration of an orgasm to its total absence;
  • Reduction of volume of an ejaculate.

However symptoms of a men's climax demand diagnostic confirmation of the diagnosis and purpose of therapy. It is impossible to interfere with this process while medicamentous therapy and national methods can facilitate this process. Symptoms of a men's climax are shown throughout the entire period in various degree. At later stages of a climax at men involution of secondary sexual characteristics, emergence of fatty deposits on female type is observed (in hips and buttocks). In rare instances at men development of a gynecomastia (increase in mammary glands) is observed.

Treatment of a men's climax: diagnosis, national methods of treatment

Treatment of a men's climax does not assume a complete recovery of reproductive function, however medicamentous therapy will allow to reduce manifestation of symptomatology and to facilitate process of reorganization of an organism.

For the correct diagnosis and definition of tactics of treatment of a men's climax it is necessary to undergo the comprehensive examination including:

  • Ultrasonography diagnosis of a prostate;
  • The developed blood test;
  • Analysis PSA (prostatic specific antigen) the general;
  • Analysis of the DOG free.

Treatment of a men's climax assumes an integrated approach: change of a way of life, healthy food, physical and sexual activity, medicamentous therapy. It should be noted that many men with fading of sexual function intentionally resort to more frequent sexual intercourses in hope to stop involution processes. However the frequency of sexual intercourses does not affect a current of a climax at men in any way. During this period doctors recommend measured sex life.

Medicamentous therapy of a men's climax includes:

  • Replacement hormonal therapy;
  • Drugs for normalization of erectile function;
  • Vitamins for maintenance and correction of the accompanying states.

In coordination with the doctor it is possible to apply nonconventional (national) methods of treatment of a climax at men.Мужской климакс чаще всего наступает в период 40-70 лет

Are applied to recovery of sexual function and decrease in expressiveness of manifestations of a men's climax:

  • Ginseng root tincture;
  • Onion (raises sexual desire, promotes the strengthened activity of gonads, increases amount of the produced sperm);
  • Vitamin E (promotes strengthening of sexual function);
  • Celery;
  • Rosemary medicinal.

At effective treatment of a climax at men it is recovered:

  • Erectile function;
  • Sexual desire;
  • Decrease or completely the symptoms accompanying a men's climax disappear.

However replacement therapy is not capable to resume reproductive function (fertility of an ejaculate). Drugs of natural testosterone are the cornerstone of replacement therapy. The scheme of use and a dosage of drug is appointed by the doctor individually. Treatment of a climax demands constant medical control and dynamic correction of drug treatment from men.

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