Main > Drugs> Наятокс


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from 180 rub.

Мазь для наружного применения НаятоксНаятокс – local irritative drug with the anesthetizing action.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – ointment for external use: homogeneous mass of color, white with a yellow shade, possesses a specific smell (on 20 g in an aluminum tuba, in a cardboard pack 1 tuba).

The maintenance of the operating Nayatoks's components in 100 g of ointment:

  • Poison of a cobra ordinary (dry) – 12 mouse units of action (MUA);
  • Oil eucalyptus – 2 g that corresponds to 1,4 g of cineol;
  • Camphor – 3 g;
  • Methyl salicylate – 4 g.

Auxiliary components: beeswax, vaseline.

Indications to use

Nayatoks's use is shown at the pain syndrome accompanying musculoskeletal system pathologies, such as:

  • Arthritis of various genesis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Mialgiya;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Sciatica;
  • Injuries (stretchings, bruises) of the copular device.


  • General exhaustion of an organism;
  • Disturbance of integrity of an integument in a drug site of application;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in an active phase;
  • Severe form of a renal failure and/or liver;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Disturbance of coronary and/or cerebral circulation;
  • Feverish states;
  • Vasomotor spasm (including the anamnesis);
  • Age up to 6 years;
  • Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to drug components.

With care it is necessary to appoint Nayatoks at the instruction in the anamnesis of the patient to the bronchial asthma arising against the background of use of acetylsalicylic acid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; at children's age.

Route of administration and dosage

Ointment is intended only for external use!

Applying on painful area of a body in the small portions, ointment is carefully rubbed in skin.

The dosing mode for a symptomatic treatment: on 5-10 g (1-2 teaspoons) of 1 times a day, in the absence of analgesic effect – 2 times a day. After disappearance of a pain syndrome use of ointment is stopped.

The maximum course of therapy without consultation of the doctor – no more than 10 days.

Side effects

In isolated cases development of allergic reactions in the form of a skin itch, reddening or a rash in an ointment site of application (after drug withdrawal disappear independently) is possible.

At emergence of undesirable effects Nayatoks's use it is necessary to stop and see the attending physician.

Special instructions

Not to allow Nayatoks's hit on open wounds, mucous body surfaces and in eyes! After each procedure of embrocation of a hand it is necessary to wash up carefully warm water with soap.

Without consultation of the doctor it is not recommended to use drug for treatment of children.

At accidental hit of drug on mucous membranes of eyes, they should be washed out immediately carefully water.

Medicinal interaction

Contraindicated simultaneous use of Nayatoks with anticoagulants for intake.

Use of high doses of ointment can promote decrease in action of hypoglycemic means and increase in toxicity of a methotrexate.

Under the influence of drug there is reflex strengthening of blood circulation in hypodermic fabric, it can increase absorption of at the same time applied outside medicines.

Terms and storage conditions

To protect from children.

To store in the protected from light, dry place at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Period of validity – 3 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Наятокс ointment 20 of

180 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Наятокс ointment 20 of, Central Pharm. Company (Mekophar)

235 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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