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Peony tincture

Peony tincture – the sedative medicine containing a root and a grass of the peony evading. Drug is used at neurotic conditions, sleep disorders, vegetovascular disturbances of various etiology, and also has antimicrobic, spasmolytic, anticonvulsant effect. In traditional medicine this medicine finds broader application and is used in treatment of disbolism, gastrointestinal diseases, and also for fortifying effect.

Composition of drug

Настойка пиона – седативное лекарственное средство, содержащее корень и траву пиона уклоняющегося, настоянных на 40% спиртеPeony tincture pharmaceutical is produced from a grass of the peony evading infused for 40% alcohol. The peony evading is a perennial herbaceous plant of family of Pionov. The main area of dwelling of this plant are Siberia, the European part of Russia, also meets in Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia. The plant belongs to rare species and is included in the Red List.

As raw materials for tincture of a peony roots, rhizomes, and also land stalks of a plant are used. Roots and rhizomes of red-brown color, possess a pronounced smell and sweetish taste. Plant roots for production of tincture prepare during any period of vegetation while stalks of a plant prepare only in a blooming period.

Curative biologically active agents accumulate in plant roots. Distinguish salicylic and benzoic acids, essential oils, glycosides and flavonoids, methyl salicylates, tannins, saponins, alkaloids from active components of tincture of a peony.

Using drug it is necessary to remember that use of officinal herbs is still insufficiently studied in view of complexity of their structure. The peony evading belongs to noxious plants. Tincture contains 10% spirit solution of a peony that at the correct use cannot lead to achievement by active components of critical levels, and also to poisoning.

Indications to use

Peony tincture which use is quite broad in modern medicine is positioned as natural sedative and somnolent drug, however on it curative properties of tincture of a peony do not come to an end. Tincture of a peony is put in complex treatment of the following diseases and correction of states into practice:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases, normalization of a metabolism in an organism;
  • Impact on TsNS for the purpose of calm, normalization of an emotional background, decrease in excitability, tension, increase in working capacity, endurance of the person;
  • At persuasive, alarming states, phobias;
  • Normalization of biological rhythms, improvement of a dream;
  • High-quality and malignant new growths (also cystous formations of ovaries, drug it is positioned as effective supportive application at complex therapy of a syndrome of polycystic ovaries, diseases of a neck of uterus);
  • Spasms, spasms;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Fortifying action;
  • Correction of symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome, climacteric frustration;
  • Improvement of skin (in cosmetology);
  • Improvement of hair, fight against loss, regulation of function of sebaceous glands of head skin (the alcohol which is contained in tincture well warms head skin, amino acids and essential oils favorably influence structure of a hair);
  • Peony tincture also has some soothing effect and can be applied to treatment of migraines of not clear etiology.

Contraindications to use

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Children's age;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period;
  • Stomach hyperoxemia;
  • The lowered arterial pressure.

According to some sources, medicine has abortal effect, bringing a uterus into a tone. Therefore this drug is not recommended to women during pregnancy planning at all, and also for correction of symptoms of a premenstrual syndrome when planning.

Tincture of a peony is not recommended to apply along with drugs of similar action. The drug combination with other means is possible in coordination with the attending physician.

Side effects

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Reaction of a GIT (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
  • Slackness, drowsiness;
  • Bystry fatigue (at exceeding of a dosage).

Application instruction

В качестве сырья для настойки пиона используются корни, корневища, а также наземные стебли растенияTincture of a peony is drug of complex action which main use is sedation now. Depending on a symptomatic complex the instruction recommends to apply peony tincture inside till 30-40 drops before food. The course of treatment is also defined by expressiveness of symptomatology, character of a current, type of the disease and its etiology.

Peony tincture the instruction recommends to part spirit 10% in a quarter of a glass of boiled water. The general recommendation about duration of a course of treatment – 30 days. In the presence of chronic diseases before reception of medicine it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. Also it is not recommended to continue a course of treatment by drug if within 15 days of therapy positive dynamics is not observed. Independent increase in a dosage of drug for the purpose of bystry achievement of desirable therapeutic effect is forbidden. For correction of a one-time and daily dosage it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

It is necessary to remember that after peony tincture use independently without doctor's instructions for treatment of certain diseases, it is necessary to visit the profile specialist surely.

Responses of patients, recommendations of doctors

Peony tincture – the effective sedative medicine which is released without recipe. Tincture is widely applied in traditional medicine to treatment of various diseases, however modern medical practice appoints this drug for correction of neurotic conditions of various etiology. Responses position peony tincture as effective, safe drug for fight against sleeplessness, demulcent and also as the medicine helping to cope with emotional instability. Tincture of a peony is recommended to accept as fortifying means during the periods of the raised emotional and intellectual loading. Regular reception of tincture of a peony in the minimum doses promotes the best assimilation of information, normalization of biological rhythms. Means helps to cope with stressful situations.

Drug is effective at periodic differences of mood at women, has antiinflammatory, soothing effect during periods.

It should be noted that tincture of a peony does not make instant impact on an organism. The main therapeutic effect from peony tincture, reviews of which can be found in various sources, comes 7-10 days later after the beginning of administration of drug.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.