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Sodium nitrite

Pharmacological action

Нитрит натрияSodium nitrite is received as a result of reaction of sodium connections and nitrite ions in the water environment.

Substance is used in medicine as a vasodilator and antidote at hydrocyanisms (cyanides), also it is applied as preservative in the food industry.

Means reduces inflow of blood to the right auricle, expands peripheral veins, reduces peripheric vascular resistance. Besides, use of sodium nitrite gives the chance to reduce oxygen requirement of a myocardium, to improve a coronary blood stream.

Therapeutic action of means is similar to amyle nitrite, but it is more long.

Release form

Release means in the form of solution of 0,5-2%.

Indications to Sodium nitrite use

Use of sodium nitrite is shown at stenocardia, spasms of cerebral arteries, intoxication by salts of cyanhydric acid.


Принимают раствор нитрита натрия внутрь либо вводят внутривенноMeans the person cannot accept in a condition of a collapse, shock, at hypotension arterial (if pressure lower than 100/60), at an acute heart attack, toxic pulmonary hypostasis, a hemorrhagic stroke, intracranial hypertensia, closed-angle glaucoma.

Application instruction of Sodium nitrite

Sodium nitrite for treatment of stenocardia, removal of vasospasms of a brain is accepted inside after food 2-3r/put on 100-200ml 0,5% of solution. Admissible dosages for adults: one-time - 300 mg, daily – 1gr.

At poisoning with cyanide of 1-2% solution is entered intravenously: 10-20ml.

Side effects

It is noticed that sodium nitrite can do harm at uncontrolled use it inside – there are disorders of a GIT in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pains, vomiting, nausea. Action of funds for vascular system can be followed by headaches, face reddening, dizziness, pressure decrease, increase of pulse.

Harm sodium nitrite is shown also at its use in the raised dosages: the collapse, a faint, heartbeat, vision disorders, the increased sweating, intestinal gripes, a melena, bradycardia, диспноэ, intracranial hypertensia, a hyperpnea, AV blockade, paralysis, a coma can develop. To eliminate symptoms of overdose it is necessary to wash out a stomach. If the methemoglobinemia (one of types of a hypoxia) begins, it is necessary to provoke vomiting and to enter intravenously 1% solution of methylene blue – 1-2¼ú/kg the weight of the patient and it is obligatory to ask for medical assistance.

Deadly dosage for the person - 2-6gr substances.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.