Chick-pea – east leguminous culture known today worldwide. India would offer you the dishes made of chickpeas flour. In Italy according to the recipe from chick-pea cook special flat cakes – farinata. In the Arab countries chick-pea is called hummus and prepare from it the same a dish, and still make of it falafel. In Turkey it goes for preparation of a national delicacy – a lebleba. What caloric content of chick-pea and what, except tastes, it is useful?
Before chick-pea extended on all planet, it began to be grown up in the Middle East 7500 years ago. At the time of a bronze age ancient Greeks and Romans cooked porridge which was called pulse from chick-pea. In antiquity attributed it medicinal properties, considering that the fruit stimulates a lactation, has diuretic properties and can expel stones from kidneys. In the 17th century chick-pea was world renowned, and in Europe even replaced with it coffee. This bean culture got to our country through the people of Transcaucasia and Bulgarians.
In process of distribution, chick-pea found a set of names: Turkish peas, mutton peas, senna, нахат, hummus. Today the culture is grown up in India, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Mexico, Myanmar, Australia, Ethiopia, Canada, Syria and can grow in any country with tropical or subtropical climate and a minimum of rainfall. And chick-pea stopped being unavailable exotic for a long time and strongly was proved on shelves of domestic supermarkets. Therefore our hostesses always have an opportunity to try the hand in preparation of traditional oriental dishes with participation of chick-pea.
Chickpeas beans are suitable for preparation of soups, garnishes for stewed meat or as a component of salads. Caloric content of chick-pea does it to one of the most nutritious elements of vegetarian and Vedic cuisine. Unlike usual peas, at chick-pea nut taste therefore it is suitable also for sweet dishes.
One of the most known recipes with chick-pea – hummus. This exotic dish prepares quite simply. Two glasses of chick-pea, 50 g of sesame paste which prepares from seeds and oil of sesame, 3 tbsps of olive oil, a lemon, a third of a head of garlic, 1 tsp of salt will be necessary for it. As spice black pepper, a zira, a savory, ground ginger, chili pepper, a coriander, a paprika will be useful, it is possible to add a little caraway seeds or затаар. However, it on taste of the hostess. And from fresh greens it is possible to use parsley, fennel and cilantro.
Before preparation, it is desirable to wet chick-pea according to the recipe for the night as next day it should cook several hours. So, to make hummus, you should merge water in which chick-pea was presoaked, then again to fill in it with water and on weak fire to cook 2 hours until beans become soft, periodically removing a skin. At the end of cooking it is necessary to merge the remained water and to add lemon juice, garlic, greens, salt and spices, to stir properly within 1-2 minutes that ingredients became impregnated, and then to shift in the blender or in any strong dish if you are going to pound it hands.
Now according to the recipe it is necessary to add a takhina to chick-pea – ready or pounded independently. Takhini for chick-pea prepares simply – grains of sesame are roasted on a frying pan then smalyvatsya in the blender with olive or sesame oil. The received paste is added according to the recipe to chick-pea and carefully mixed. Ideally the dish of cream color with a paste consistence – nourishing and incredibly tasty has to turn out.
Thanks to caloric content chick-pea is suitable not only for ordinary dishes, for example, in India from it prepare sweets. Here the recipe from chick-pea and dried fruits. Will be necessary for it: 1 tbsps of cognac (if this dish for children, then use juice), 8 figs, 8 pieces of dried apricots, 1 tbsp of honey, 2-3 tbsps of sprinkling (cocoa powder, ground nuts, sesame, icing sugar, cinnamon) and 200 g of chick-pea.
Chick-pea according to the recipe is presoaked in water for the night, and dried apricots and a fig – in cognac or juice. It is necessary to merge water in the morning and to boil chick-pea, and then to mix it with dried fruits and to overwind in the meat grinder. When you add honey to mix, the plastic fragrant weight from which it is necessary to roll small balls of the size of walnut will turn out, to sprinkle them with sesame, cocoa or other prepared ingredients at will, and your dessert is ready!
Chick-pea – one of the most nutritious products. Caloric content of chick-pea makes 320-370 kcal. 100 g of beans contain 61 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fats and to 30 g of proteins. On nutritiousness chick-pea is comparable with meat. However as well as any other source of food of a plant origin, it quickly sates, but also this sense of fulness quickly passes.
Vitamins A, V1, V2, VZ, S, V6, PP are a part of chick-pea. It is rich with such microelements as selenium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, boron, iron and silicon. Amino acids – tryptophane, a lysine, methionine, and also soluble and insoluble food fibers, minerals and many other things are a part of fruits.
Useful properties of chick-pea do it by an irreplaceable component of vegetarian diets. It well influences a condition of cardiovascular system. Such property of chick-pea as the high content of cellulose positively affects work of digestion and level of sugar in blood.
On it useful properties of chick-pea do not come to an end. It alleviates a dentagra, helps at an inflammation of gums, arrhythmia, dropsy, jaundice, herpes, obstruction with baking to a spleen. At the increased level of cholesterol and bile, and also at hypostases chick-pea stimulates outflow of urine and bile. It is recommended to accept during periods, a lactation and pregnancy as a natural source of iron. Besides, chick-pea strengthens production of hemoglobin and prevents anemia.
How the Turkish peas affect a condition of the alimentary system? It clears intestines of slags, prevents locks, removes toxins, action of disease-producing microflora and putrefactive bacteria oppresses. It is considered that it is possible to carry to properties of chick-pea and anticarcinogenic as it reduces risk of development of malignancies in a large intestine. In general chick-pea normalizes pressure, clears vessels, serves for prevention of strokes and heart attacks. As for chick-pea caloric content, unlike other carbohydrate products, it does not do harm.
And still chick-pea, as well as any other product, cannot be useful to all and everyone. For example, it can cause individual intolerance. It is not recommended to accept in food at an ulcer of a bladder and elderly people can use this product only with extreme care. Besides, chick-pea causes the strengthened gas generation if it is wrong to use it. But the discomfort can be reduced if to add fennel or fennel to chick-pea dishes and not to wash down them with water.
And, finally, It should be noted that useful and flavoring properties of chick-pea in many respects depend on quality of initial raw materials and, of course, observance of rules of storage. Buying chick-pea, you watch that grains were whole, smooth, but not dried up and not damaged by a mold. Chick-pea can be held in a vacuum container in the place protected from light, otherwise it will turn rancid. At observance of all conditions, fruits of chick-pea can be stored up to two years.
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