Application instruction:
In medicine use seeds, leaves, but tree fruits a sea-buckthorn are more often. Call in the people it still a gold tree, ivoterny, voskovukhy, beloterny, a broom, shchetsy, shirganaky, silver steel.
Berries contain vitamins C, In, carotene, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, cellulose, pectins, organic acids. Caloric content of a sea-buckthorn is-52 calories.
Such curative properties of a sea-buckthorn are known: it anesthetizes, stops an inflammation, heals wounds, kills disease-producing bacteria.
Berries of a sea-buckthorn recommend to use at disturbances of work of endocrine, nervous, vegetative systems, carbohydrate, fatty, protein metabolism, at thrombophlebitis, avitaminosis.
The juice which is wrung out from sea-buckthorn berries possesses the cholagogue, laxative, sedative, knitting, antiinflammatory, styptic, enveloping action.
Use of a sea-buckthorn in the form of juice is recommended at disturbance of secretory function of a stomach, work of a liver.
Sea-buckthorn oil which treat rheumatism, a scurvy, gout, diseases of a digestive tract, including an ulcer, and also decubituses, frostbites, diabetes, hemorrhoids, a cataract senile, climacteric manifestations and frustration is not less valuable.
For external use oil of a sea-buckthorn is applied with a pipette on previously cleared skin, later apply a bandage from a gauze which is changed every other day. For treatment of ulcers on skin it is recommended to wash out before putting oil an affected area penicillin.
For treatment of stomach ulcer oil of a sea-buckthorn is drunk 2-3 р / day on one teaspoon.
For treatment it is possible to buy oil ready, and it is possible to prepare it independently. In order that it kept all useful properties of a sea-buckthorn, from berries for a start manually wring out juice, and cake is dried in an oven (temperature should not exceed 100 degrees). The dried-up cake is crushed by means of the coffee grinder, sifted to separate seeds, and fill in a third of the received weight with the same amount of refined sunflower oil. Better to use for oil preparation the glass or enameled ware. 2-3 days in the dark, warm place maintain the cake which is filled in with sunflower oil (temperature of 50-60 degrees), two times a day stir slowly. After cake infuses, oil from it is wrung out and fill in with it the following third of dry cake. And the used cake is filled in once again. And so do once again, with the last third part of dry cake.
At antritis it is necessary to use only sterile oil of a sea-buckthorn – it is entered into a genyantrum in quantity 4-5ml.
At a beam burn of eyes, spring conjunctivitis, ulcers and injuries of a cornea compresses on eyes with sea-buckthorn oil help.
In gynecologic practice apply sea-buckthorn oil to healing of erosion, treatment of colpitises. Besides, women and men at infertility are recommended to use regularly fresh berries.
At a glossitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, rheumatism, diseases of joints tea from sea-buckthorn leaves helps: 5 g of leaves fill in 250 ml of boiled water.
At rheumatism and diseases of joints also such broth of a sea-buckthorn helps: one tablespoon of dry leaves is filled in by 250 ml of water, boil 10 minutes, later filter, add boiled water to receive again 250 ml, drink 0,5 glasses 2 р / day.
Infusion from leaves helps at gout. For this purpose the tablespoon of the crushed dried-up leaves is filled in by 250 ml of boiled water, half an hour is drawn. Drink such tincture on 0,5 glasses three р / day, previously having filtered.
The individual intolerance of a sea-buckthorn which is shown in the form of inflammations of a liver, a pancreas, gall bladder is in certain cases observed. Also other manifestations of hypersensitivity are possible. Use of a sea-buckthorn in any kind in this case is contraindicated.
Contraindications of a sea-buckthorn are also hepatitis, diarrhea, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity.
It is necessary to consider that berries and oil of a sea-buckthorn strengthen growth of tumors therefore at cancer diseases it is necessary to use only tinctures and broths from plant leaves.
Serious contraindication of a sea-buckthorn is the urolithiasis.
Name of drug
Sea-buckthorn lipstick 2.8g hygienic, Souvenir / Avanta (Krasnodar)
25 rub.
Fish oil of Mirroll капс No. 100 sea-buckthorn/wheat/dogrose, Meligen of closed joint stock company (item. Goldfinches)
49 rub.
Fish oil биафишенол sea-buckthorn + vitamin E. capsules of 100 pieces
55 rub.
Sea-buckthorn from a mummy forte cream-balm of wound healing 75 ml, Dina + Ltd company
85 rub.
Dr. Tayss Angi Sept Oblepikha тбл for рассасыв. No. 24, Doctor Theiss Naturwaren
224 rub.
Omega-3 polyene Sea-buckthorn and vitamin E капс. 35% 1400 mg 30 pieces
372 rub.
According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.
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