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The rejuvenating masks

Intimate dream of each woman – it is young to look at any age. Ah, on what only tricks of the woman do not go for the sake of her implementation!Рецепты омолаживающих масок для лица

Perhaps, the most available, and therefore most widespread method of achievement of this purpose are the rejuvenating masks. Someone prefers to buy them in shops, someone – to go to beauty shops and to receive there the corresponding rejuvenating services. But many women owing to various circumstances give preference to the rejuvenating masks in house conditions.

How to prepare the rejuvenating mask in house conditions?

With age our skin loses moisture, droops and becomes thinner, wrinkles develop. Therefore the first that needs to be made for preservation of youth – regularly to moisten skin. For this reason each rejuvenating face pack surely contains moisturizing components.

Masks for face rejuvenation on the basis of vegetables and fruit are very effective. It is possible just to grate some vegetable or fruit (strawberry, a cucumber, etc.) and to apply on skin for 10-15 minutes then to wash away water. For bodying of similar masks it is possible to use starch or flour. It is possible to do the effective rejuvenating masks on the basis of cream or sour cream. And for dry skin masks with addition of olive or other vegetable oil are good.

The rejuvenating masks for fat skin

To prepare masks for rejuvenation of the house, you will not need to look for extra time or some rare ingredients. Here, for example, the recipe of the simple, but very effective rejuvenating mask for fat face skin: 1 teaspoons of soda, 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon of warm water, 25 g of fresh yeast. All ingredients need to be mixed before receiving homogeneous mass and to apply on face skin and necks. The mask remains on a face until completely dries, then is washed away by warm water, and the moisturizing gel or cream is put on a face. Such mask not only well humidifies and smoothes skin, but also perfectly cleans pores and removes an inflammation.

And here one more rejuvenating mask for which you need a coconut milk. To take 1 tablespoon of a coconut milk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of ground oat flakes. All ingredients to mix and put on previously cleaned and steamed out face for 20 minutes. It is necessary to wash away this mask at first warm water, and then cold. The coconut milk very well moistens skin and stimulates regeneration process. Honey, in turn disinfects and smoothes skin.

The rejuvenating masks for dry skin

Dry face skin more is exposed to aging, than fat as it is deprived of natural lubricant. For this reason it is necessary to look after dry skin carefully and regularly, using the effective rejuvenating masks.

Here the recipe of a good mask for dry skin: 1 ovalbumins, 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of essential oil of a lavender, 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Egg white is beaten in foam and we add other ingredients, we mix. We put on a face for 15 minutes, then we wash away warm water and we apply nutritious cream.

And here the recipe of the fine rejuvenating mask in house conditions with effect of lifting: 1 teaspoons of cream, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk. All ingredients to mix and apply on skin for 15 minutes, to wash away warm water and to grease a face with nutritious cream.

Very good effect not only on the person, but also on a neck is rendered by the rejuvenating face pack from mashed potatoes. For its preparation it is necessary to add any vegetable juice to warm puree and to put a mask on a face for 15 minutes, after to wash away warm water.

The rejuvenating masks around eyes

Рецепты омолаживающих масок для кожи вокруг глазSkin around eyes very gentle and sensitive therefore it is necessary to look after it very carefully. To prevent emergence of early wrinkles, in addition to cream for a century, it is necessary to use the special rejuvenating masks around eyes.

The simplest recipe of a similar mask – to mix various vegetable oils and to apply on skin around eyes. Perfectly oil of germs of wheat, olive oil, oil jojoba and still vitamin E will approach. It is necessary to hold such mask about half an hour then to remove a cotton plug. It is better to do this nutritious mask for the night.

Perfectly mix of olive oil and honey affects skin around eyes. And this mask is washed away by strong tea leaves of green tea.

The rejuvenating masks around eyes can be done by the same principle, as for the person. The main thing that you included fatter and nutritious ingredients and vitamin E in structure of these masks. And here the ingredients which are narrowing pores and pulling together skin should be excluded from use for skin around eyes.

The rejuvenating masks for a neck

The mask from boiled potatoes enjoys wide popularity as a mask for a neck. And to make it as easy as shelling pears. Potatoes to readiness are boiled and warm up in puree. At will it is possible to add olive or other vegetable oil, cream to potatoes. The mask keeps on a neck of 15 minutes, and after washing off it is necessary to apply nutritious cream on a neck.

As a mask the salt gauze compress well will be suitable for rejuvenation of a neck. For this purpose 2 tablespoons of salt (it is better sea without additives) are dissolved in 300 ml of hot water. The gauze is moistened in this solution and imposed on a neck for several minutes until the compress cools down. After that it is necessary to apply on a neck with a thick layer nutritious cream.

The rejuvenating masks for hands

Not for nothing say that hands – the business card of the woman. As her face young would not look, practically it is always possible to determine true age by hands. Therefore behind hands careful leaving is also necessary, and the rejuvenating masks will have here just by the way.

And again about potatoes. Besides, this universal mask from boiled potatoes perfectly will be suitable also for hands. For this purpose it is necessary to add milk to warm mashed potatoes and to ship in a hand mask for 15 minutes. After you washed away a mask in cool water, apply nutritious cream on hands.

As the excellent rejuvenating mask it is possible to use olive or other vegetable oil for the night. It is necessary to sleep, however, in cotton mittens, but the result is worth it.

The rejuvenating masks for a body

Our body also demands to itself careful attitude and leaving. In principle, there are no special differences between face care and a body. The only thing that should be considered that on a body at us different sites of skin have different moisture content. Therefore and the rejuvenating masks it is necessary to do according to that site where you will put them. For the rest, everything depends on your imagination and the choice of products. About most of them it was already written above.

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