Oophoritis call an ovary inflammation – pair body of a female reproductive system, a uterine (fallopian) tube connecting to a uterus. Ovaries are responsible for maturing of ova and production of female sex hormones therefore an ovary inflammation, especially chronic oophoritis, can have the most adverse effects for health of the woman including to become the infertility reason.
The oophoritis almost never happens an independent disease. Ovaries are located so that primary infection cannot get into them. Most often the inflammation is transferred to an ovary on a uterine tube, in this case the oophoritis is followed by a salpingitis (an inflammation of a uterine tube), such state is called a salpingo-oophoritis, or an adnexitis (an inflammation of appendages of a uterus). Activators of an oophoritis are the infection, sexually transmitted (I,ST): chlamydias, gonokokk, trichomonads, etc. Less often the inflammation is transferred to an ovary from other source which is in an abdominal cavity, for example, at appendicitis. In this case activators are streptococci, staphylococcus, colibacillus.
In certain cases the oophoritis can be caused by the general infectious disease of an organism, most often a virus origin.
The factors promoting emergence of an oophoritis are:
In clinical practice distinguish an acute, subacute and chronic oophoritis, process can be unilateral or bilateral.
The acute oophoritis begins suddenly, with sharp pains in the bottom of a stomach which can give to a groin, lumbosacral department. The urination becomes complicated, sometimes painful, purulent discharges from a vagina appear. Signs of an oophoritis are followed by the general aggravation of symptoms: high temperature, fever, head and muscular and joint pains.
The chronic oophoritis often has the hidden beginning, that is to be primary and chronic, or to develop as a result of not cured acute oophoritis. The only sign of an oophoritis chronic the long time is not expressed pain syndrome. Pain is, as a rule, changeable, has the stupid, aching character, develops at overfatigue, overcooling, the postponed stress, during sexual intercourse. Most often such signs of an oophoritis in its chronic form are shown on the eve of periods. One more sign of an oophoritis in the started chronic form are disturbances of a menstrual cycle because of the broken production of estrogen the affected ovary.
In certain cases the chronic oophoritis proceeds so implicitly that comes to light only at inspection concerning disturbances of a menstrual cycle or infertility.
Diagnosis of an oophoritis is considered a complex challenge as the pain syndrome which is the main sign of an oophoritis can accompany any diseases of abdominal organs. At suspicion on an oophoritis conduct gynecologic examination, with an obligatory research of microflora of a vagina. Ultrasonography of ovaries can show the changes which resulted from a chronic oophoritis, for a disease in an acute form this method is not informative.
The main diagnostic method of an oophoritis is the laparoscopy. This research by means of the endoscope allowing to visualize tissues of an ovary and to find signs of inflammatory process. For clarification of extent of dysfunction of an ovary at a chronic oophoritis conduct endocrinological examination, with drawing up the diary of an ovulation.
Treatment of a chronic oophoritis and acute differs.
At an acute oophoritis appoint a course of antibacterial therapy using antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity, it is frequent in combination with sulfanamide drugs. Use anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, the bed rest is desirable, on area of the affected ovary put a bubble with ice for the purpose of removal of a pain syndrome. When signs of an acute inflammation abate, resort to physiotherapeutic procedures: to an electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, UVCh-and microwave therapy and so forth. Treatment of an oophoritis in an acute form is carried out in the conditions of a hospital.
Treatment of a chronic oophoritis needs to be carried out consistently and persistently, otherwise it can threaten with ovary defunctionalization. Antibacterial therapy, taking into account the revealed microflora is also applied to treatment of a chronic oophoritis. Appoint antiinflammatory steroid drugs. The main efforts are directed to elimination of an infection and fight against commissural process for what injections and an electrophoresis of resorptional drugs are appointed. The physical therapy and a balneoterapiya are the main methods in treatment of a chronic oophoritis.
It is necessary to understand that treatment of a chronic oophoritis will demand change of a usual way of life on healthier. The fortifying procedures stimulating own protective forces of an organism, transition to healthy food, refusal of addictions and increase in physical activity for elimination of developments of stagnation in a small basin are necessary. Only at observance of all these conditions it is possible to speak about a possibility of full treatment.
Ovary suppuration can be a complication of the acute and aggravated oophoritis. It is acute inflammatory process by which purulent fusion of an ovary is caused, and it turns into the thin-walled spherical education filled with pus. Such state demands the emergency surgical intervention as the rupture of an ovary leads to peritonitis.
The chronic oophoritis proceeding hard with a frequent recurrence, in combination with a chronic salpingitis can lead to a sactosalpinx – a purulent tumor of appendages of a uterus. Such state also demands surgical intervention. The ovary and a uterine tube at the same time are removed.
The most frequent complication of a chronic oophoritis is development of the commissural process breaking passability of uterine tubes, and a sklerozirovaniye of an ovary at which its fabrics are replaced with fibrous fabric that leads to loss of functions. As the ovary is a hemaden, its wrong functioning is reflected in a hormonal background of the woman that can cause various frustration – from an anorgazmiya to infertility.
Therefore treatment of an oophoritis needs to be begun as soon as possible, and it is obligatory to finish.
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