Main > Diseases> Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure

Short characteristic of a disease

The acute renal failure is understood as the sharp termination or sudden decrease in operability of both kidneys (or only in a case with people at whom one kidney is already removed). At the same time bodies cannot carry out the filtrational, secretory and secretory functions assigned to them any more. By it the acute renal failure is also dangerous. Treatment of a disease depends on those reasons by which it was caused of the accompanying diseases and some other important factors.

Acute renal failure – causes of illness

    Почечная недостаточность
  • injuries, sepsis, heavy burns, allergic shock and the other phenomena which lead to long bleedings and insufficiency of blood supply of renal fabric. The similar result is also observed at big loss of water and the uncontrolled use of diuretic drugs;
  • toxic influences, side effects of some medicines, diseases of kidneys (acute gloumerulonefrit, arterial hypertension, rheumatic defeats);
  • urinary obstruction or their squeezing at tumoral process. At the same time the person at first has a small hypostasis which grows over time and leads to a necrosis of renal fabric.

Acute renal failure – disease symptoms

  • reduction of amount of urine (oliguria) or its total absence (anury);
  • general deterioration in health of the patient;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increase in a liver and hypostases of extremities;
  • deferred reaction of the patient on usual actions and irritants. Sometimes visible apathy is replaced by excitement.

The acute renal failure leads to the fact that kidneys cease to work for respect for electrolytic balance of blood. As a result, blood vessels begin to extend on an organism products of protein metabolism – creatinine and urea. Along with it secretory functions of kidneys are broken, and the quantity of red blood cells decreases. The acute renal failure which treatment was not carried out or carried out with disturbance of the standard principles leads to serious complications and disturbances in work of all main systems of an organism.

Acute renal failure – treatment and forecasts

Лечение почечной недостаточности

At early stages of a disease it is necessary to take measures for elimination of the reasons of an acute renal failure among which both various diseases, and various pathological processes can appear. In case of big blood loss doctors are used special blood substitutes. At the same time it is necessary to bring out of an organism toxins as soon as possible. For this purpose to the patient appoint a gastric lavage and antidotes, for example, Unithiolum which main task – to connect poisons and not to allow their further distribution on a body of the person. For purification of blood the modern medical equipment, in particular, a plasmapheresis is used. If at the patient urinary obstruction is observed, it is necessary to recover their passability or to carry out a puncture for removal of the collected urine.

As for directly treatment of an acute renal failure. Today osmotic diuretics (sorbitol, Mannitolum) are most often used. They are especially effective at early stages of a disease. Along with it doctors control a water balance, amount of electrolytes and urea in blood. To the patient the rigid diet, anabolic hormones and vitamin E is appointed. In the absence of positive dynamics specialists of medical institution consider a question of use of a hemodialysis.

Forecasts of treatment depend on dynamics of a disease. As a rule, after the provided medical care of a kidney recover the working capacity in terms from 6 months up to 2 years.

Acute renal failure at children

At children the disease proves the same symptoms, as at adults. Conditionally disease can be divided into three stages:

  • at the first stage the general symptomatology repeating symptoms of that disease or poison because of which there was an insufficiency prevails;
  • sharp reduction or total absence of a diuresis (urination), vomiting, stomach aches, unstable chair;
  • gradual recovery of a diuresis against the background of the raised expenditure of water and disturbance of electrolytic balance of blood.

It is necessary to start treatment of a disease right after statement of the exact diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to remove the cause which caused an acute renal failure in children. At the same time the adequate renal blood stream is also supported, plasma transfusion, reception of sosudorasshirayushchy means if, of course, they are resolved by the attending physician is made. As well as adults, children have to keep to a rigid carbohydrate diet. The choice of medicamentous means represents some complexity in connection with numerous contraindications therefore we will not stop in detail on this moment, having left the decision about purpose of specific drugs to personnel of specialized medical institution.

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