Main > Food stuffs> Paprika


Paprika call the fruits of a herbaceous plant of family of the Nightshade family known also under the name "sweet pepper". However not all kinds of this plant it is possible to call a paprika, and only fruits of red color. More often, however, understand seasoning of a powdery consistence which is made of above-mentioned fruits as a paprika. For production of spice select ripe, most red fruits to which some pungency is inherent. For this purpose fruits of pepper red dry then small grind.


Sharpness of a paprika directly depends on whether are added to powder and in what quantity peppery seeds and membranes partitions from pods which contain capsaicine. There is even a special scale of Skovill on which it is possible to estimate pungency and sharpness of seasoning from 0 to 1000 points.

The grades of sweet pepper suitable for production of a paprika are generally grown up in territories of Turkey, the USA, Hungary and Spain. At the same time Hungary – the main supplier of this seasoning.

In the European countries the paprika was delivered from Central America, however climatic conditions of Europe became the reason that red pepper lost the sharpness, having gained more expressed sweet.

The paprika is used in cookery not only as seasoning, but also as dye by production of sausage and other meat products.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of a paprika

Nutrition value of seasoning consists of the following indicators: proteins in number of 14,4 g; fats – 12,89 g and carbohydrates – 53,99 g on 100 g of a product. Caloric content of a paprika reaches 282 Kcal. Despite rather high rate, this seasoning is hardly capable to affect cardinally total quantity of calories a day, it is rather not enough of it in order that the dish played new paints.

Seasoning is rich with various vitamins – E, B6, C, B5, B1, A, B2. At the same time the content of vitamin A reaches a record indicator in 2463 mg.

Also the list of mineral substances as a part of spice is extensive: zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, iron sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium. The mass fraction of potassium at the same time makes about 2300 mg, and it is an absolute champion among the other mineral substances which are contained in seasoning.

Besides, the paprika contains the capsaicine (the substance defining pungency of spice) which is already mentioned above, the fat oils, carotinoids (giving to a paprika characteristic color), and also some essential oils.

Useful properties of a paprika

Addition of a paprika in food well affects functioning of a row of systems of an organism. So, this seasoning contains the substances interfering formation of blood clots in vessels and in general improving work of circulatory system.

To the people suffering from excess weight, nutritionists recommend to a thicket to season dishes with a paprika as it is capable to accelerate processes of digestion and to disperse metabolism. Specialists advise regularly to eat seasoning at spasms, a meteorism, gastric gripes and formation of intestinal gases.

Паприка сушеная

Content of vitamin C stimulates work of immune system in spice and helps to struggle with catarrhal diseases. At the same time amount of the ascorbic acid which is contained in red sweet pepper, several times above than in a lemon!

Along with it the paprika has the strengthening effect on mucous membranes, promotes strengthening of a men's potentiality.

The paprika is used in preparation of the most different dishes: it is perfectly combined with meat, with first courses, vegetables and salads.

Harmful properties of a paprika

The paprika is useful not to all and before plentifully adding it to food, it is important to know what to this seasoning there are contraindications. Dried sweet pepper is not recommended to be used that who has an allergy to its components, and also to persons with diseases of a liver and the kidneys having pancreatitis, stenocardia and stomach diseases in a chronic form.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.