Pneumonia (in use the term "pneumonia" is used) is an acute disease of respiratory system which is characterized by extensive infectious defeat of pulmonary tissues of the person. Bacteria (a hemophilic stick, streptococci, staphylococcus), intracellular parasites (mycoplasmas, chlamydias) and viruses (herpes, flu, a parainfluenza) – here the most active activators which operation is resulted by pneumonia. Treatment of a disease is based on elimination of the reason and effects of harmful influence.
Now doctors allocate several kinds of a disease. We will tell slightly below for now we list the general symptoms of pneumonia about them:
These signs are not enough to make the exact diagnosis, but they are a good motive for the address to the doctor, pneumonia at children and adults is followed by a number of serious complications therefore it is better to prevent it, than to treat. Now we will pass to consideration of types of pneumonia.
As a rule, the disease develops after overcooling of an organism. It is the acute pneumonia which is characterized by bystry rise in temperature (to 40-41 degrees), weakness and a headache. Also severe short wind and unpleasant feelings in a breast, cough, a plentiful phlegm are characteristic. There is no cold.
The lung fever of lungs is very dangerous. If in time not to diagnose a disease and not to appoint adequate treatment, it leads to abscess of lungs, damage of heart, sepsis and as result, to a lethal outcome. To avoid serious complications after pneumonia, it is necessary to address in time to profile medical institution where doctors will carry out to the patient radiography of lungs and will confirm or will disprove existence of an infection in an organism.
Arises against the background of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. The lung fever develops less sharply, than. Temperature rises gradually, cough first weak, there is practically no phlegm therefore many people consider that the disease can be had without problems "standing". They understand the mistake when focal pneumonia begins to develop. There is severe, persistent cough, a purulent phlegm and other serious consequences. In the absence of treatment at patients emergence of abscesses or break of pus in a pleural cavity is possible.
Diagnosis of pneumonia is carried out on the basis of a clinical picture and X-ray inspection of lungs which allows to reveal consolidations of pulmonary fabric.
Symptoms of a disease depend on by what activators it was caused - mycoplasmas, legionelly or chlamydias. Mycoplasmal pneumonia at children and adults is shown in the form of irritation in a throat, cold, increase in cervical lymph nodes and a headache. Constraint in a breast and a phlegm for this form of a disease are uncharacteristic. Legionellezny atypical pneumonia is followed by dry cough, stethalgias, high temperature, a diarrhea, delay of pulse and damage of kidneys. After pneumonia complications from bodies of cardiovascular system and a brain are possible.
At the first suspicions on an atypical form it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. If it is valid pneumonia, treatment has to be appointed as soon as possible as the mortality percentage of patients with the late diagnosis makes from 16 to 30%.
For a start there is a wish to notice that pneumonia is considered one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. The disease is characterized by lack of pronounced, characteristic signs, a difficult current and serious complications. It is enough to mention that quite often pneumonia which symptoms are similar to a SARS leads to lethal outcomes. What it is connected with? The matter is that the organism of people differently reacts to actions of contagiums, respectively, in certain cases pneumonia at children and adults proceeds slowly, and in others it instantly progresses, leading to a collapse of the vital systems.
The acute pneumonia which develops literally within 3-4 days and leads to irreversible changes of an organism is especially dangerous. Treatment of this form is based on observance of a bed rest, healthy nutrition, phytotherapy, physical therapy, reception of pathogenetic, etiotropic and symptomatic means. The structure of antibiotics is selected separately in each case taking into account features of an organism of the patient. It is also very important to begin in time antibacterial therapy that the acute pneumonia of lungs did not manage to cause serious changes and did not influence work of the main systems.
Chronic pneumonia demands drug treatment from adults. A course basis – antibiotics which are accepted intravenously, intramusculary or in the form of inhalations. Oletetrinum, Cefaloridinum and ampicillin are most often used. Also sick appoint sulfanamide drugs – sulfadimethoxine or Sulfadimezinum.
As for feeding habits. As soon as the first symptoms of pneumonia have an effect, it is necessary to change structure of food stuffs in favor of the food rich with protein. It is connected with the fact that at cough together with a phlegm a large amount of protein is lost, and the organism needs its completion. Take care also of that food contained the vital vitamins B and C.
Pneumonia at adults and children can be cured not only traditional medicamentous means, but also by means of recipes of traditional medicine. Simple oats are especially effective in this case. That pneumonia proceeded with smaller complications, fill in oats with a glass of milk and you cook this mix within 1 hour on slow fire. The turned-out broth needs to be filtered. It is necessary to take medicine 2-3 times a day after food and for the night.
Now diagnosis of pneumonia reveals existence of a disease at 4-12 cases on 1000 checked children. The disease can develop at each child aged from 1 month up to 14 years. At the same time it has the pathogenetic, etiological and therapeutic features.
Most often atypical pneumonia occurs at children. Treatment of a disease is directed to fight against pnemokokka and a hemophilic stick. These activators cause damages of lungs at babies, children of younger age and teenagers. On condition of the timely address to the doctor the disease proceeds without special complications. Otherwise pneumonia which symptoms are similar to a SARS and other upper respiratory tract infections leads to pleurisy, pulmonary destruction and cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
When to go to the doctor? If at the child the increased temperature in combination with an asthma and hurried breathing (over 60 breaths a minute for children about one year and more than 40 breaths a minute for children are more senior than 1 year), then, most likely, it is pneumonia is noted. Treatment has to be urgent therefore immediately address to medical institution where the doctor will appoint carrying out necessary analyses. It is impossible to treat pneumonia at children independently at all.
If the disease proceeds benign, without visible complications, then treatment is quite admissible at home. Follow recommendations of the doctor, provide to the child rest, take care of digestible and caloric food (fruit, vegetables, juice, compotes, fruit drinks).
In a case with children for treatment antibiotics from group of tetracyclines and aminoglycosides as they lead to a growth disorder of bones should not be used and can cause deafness. The most sparing action antibiotics from group of macroleads (azithromycin, erythromycin) possess, but also in their case process of treatment has to be carried out under strict observation of the doctor.
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