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Submaxillary lymphadenitis

Submaxillary lymphadenitis is a widespread inflammatory pathology of lymph nodes. Such nodes Подчелюстной лимфаденит – это воспаление лимфатических узловrepresent peripheral accumulations of an adenoid tissue. They perform protective function in an organism, becoming a peculiar barrier before an infection. On localization allocate lymphadenites of cervical, axillary, inguinal, submaxillary and other lymph nodes. Submaxillary lymphadenitis, as well as any lymphadenitis in general, can be purulent and not purulent, acute and chronic. Most often the inflammation is caused by streptococci, staphylococcus and their toxins which get into lymph nodes with a blood flow or a lymph from the inflammation center. Sometimes lymphadenitis can be caused by specific microorganisms – Koch's stick (the causative agent of tuberculosis), a pale treponema (the causative agent of syphilis). Lymphadenitis happens simple (hypostasis develops), hyperplastic (fabrics of a node increase in volume) and destructive (the node and surrounding fabrics collapses).

Reasons of submaxillary lymphadenitis

Most often infectious process in an oral cavity is the reason of submaxillary lymphadenitis. It can be tonsillitis, paratonsillar abscess, periodontosis, an ulitis, a periostitis, osteomyelitis upper or a mandible, multiple caries. In rare instances if the infection got into lymph nodes at their injury, submaxillary lymphadenitis can be primary disease.

Symptoms of submaxillary lymphadenitis

The first manifestation of an acute form of a disease is pain in the affected lymph nodes. At first pain can be only when pressing, and then becomes the constant pulsing, shooting, intensive, amplifying at the movement. Pain forces the patient to adopt the forced provision, prevents to sleep on the struck party, to talk, swallow of food. Sometimes pain does not allow to open a mouth. In the place of an inflammation the hyperemia (reddening) of integuments develops, hypostasis develops. After a while skin gets a cyanotic shade. To the touch it is possible to define the dense, increased in sizes, painful lymph node. Skin temperature over the affected lymph nodes is higher, than over the neighboring sites. Except local symptomatology, also the general develops. Body temperature increases (sometimes higher than 40 degrees). There are a fever, perspiration, weakness, a headache, sleeplessness. At a chronic form of a disease the pain syndrome is not so intensive, the increased lymph nodes are defined a long time, the general state suffers a little. Diagnosis of a disease in typical cases does not represent complexity for specialists. Only at heavy submaxillary lymphadenitis differential diagnosis with osteomyelitis, phlegmon can be necessary. At chronic submaxillary lymphadenitis for establishment of the diagnosis the puncture biopsy of a node is sometimes necessary.

Treatment of submaxillary lymphadenitis

TreatmentПодчелюстной лимфаденит – это распространенная воспалительная патология of submaxillary lymphadenitis is carried out by the surgeon or the general practitioner. First of all sanitation of the center of an infection is carried out. Sometimes urgent intervention of the stomatologist (an odontectomy, opening of abscess of a jaw) is required. Submaxillary lymphadenitis is often treated conservatively. To the patient appoint rinsings by Burov's liquid, lotions, antibiotics, vitamins, physiotreatment (UVCh). If there is a purulent fusion of a lymph node, an operative measure is necessary. If the single lymph node is involved in process, the surgeon carries out a skin section over it, enters a drainage under the capsule, washes out a surgical wound. If several nodes are struck at once, opening of integuments in submaxillary area is carried out, the drainage in a fatty tissue is established to provide pus outflow. Antibiotics are surely appointed. Preference is given to drugs in an injection form (pricks). Usually the doctor chooses a modern antibiotic of a broad spectrum of activity taking into account sensitivity of microorganisms to it. If the specific nature (syphilis, tuberculosis) is established, treatment of submaxillary lymphadenitis is carried out by drugs according to the developed schemes.

Prevention of a disease

The main prevention for submaxillary lymphadenitis is timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.