Main > Drugs> Plantain


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 66 rub.

Description of a plantain

The plantain concerns to the family of the same name, in a wild look grows in Asia, North, South America, Europe, Australia.

In medicine apply plantain leaves, stalks, roots.Подорожник

Also tannins, polysaccharides, carotinoids, acid ascorbic, vanillin, ferulic, chlorogenic, fumaric, other organic acids, alkaloids, a glycoside, sincaline, vitamins K, B4 are found in leaves bitter.

Stalks of a plantain contain fenolkarbonovy acids and flavonoids. In roots sterols, linolic acid were found.

Curative properties of a plantain

The plantain renders the antiinflammatory, anesthetizing, antiallergic, somnolent, wound healing, antineoplastic action, it stimulates appetite and work of the alimentary system, increases immunity.

Use of a plantain

Drugs on a plantain help at a headache, diseases of eyes, diabetes, exhaustion, diseases of a gall bladder, arrhythmia, a neurasthenia, heart failure, a meteorism, GIT ulcers, colitis chronic

The plantain at cancer diseases, a leukosis, a lymphogranulomatosis helps: the plant can protect internals from influence of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, it promotes a rassasyvaniya of small tumors and a metastasis.

The infusion prepared from a plant has expectorant effect therefore accept a plantain for cough. To prepare infusion, one tablespoon of the dried-up leaves make 250 ml of boiled water, two hours insist, having wrapped up with warm fabric. Drink plantain infusion for cough on a tablespoon four р / day to food – in 20 minutes and in addition at a fit of coughing.

Besides, infusion on leaves of a plantain tones up and helps at overfatigue, the general fatigue. But it is necessary to consider that at use of spirit tincture other property of a plantain is shown – it has sedative effect and promotes pressure decrease.

Plantain juice can be applied as the funds expectorating and withdrawing an inflammation at asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, a pulmonary tuberculosis too. The plantain for cough at these diseases is applied so: to food drink one teaspoon of juice of a plant.

Juice of a plantain can be bought ready, and use it not only for treatment of cough: at diseases of a GIT drink on one tablespoon of juice, having mixed it previously from 50 ml of warm water, to food (in 20 min.) 3-4 р / days for a month. Juice from a plantain helps at dermatological diseases – 3-4r/days foment, apply bandages or do washings by juice. At burns regular processing of the affected skin plant juice everyone one or an hour and a half helps.

The good enveloping means consider decoction from seeds of a plantain which helps at inflammations with intestines or a stomach. To them treat hemorrhoids, diarrhea, apply such broth at gout, impotence, dysentery. To prepare medicine, fill in a tablespoon of seeds with one and a half glasses of boiled water and 15 more minutes boil. To drink broth advise 100 ml 4 р / day. To men after 35 years such broth for prevention of problems with a potentiality is recommended to drink regularly from fall to spring.

From the description of a plantain it is known also that its seeds help at infertility: one tablespoon of seeds is boiled for five minutes in a glass of water, half an hour is drawn, filtered, drink three р / day on a tablespoon 2 months.

Antiinflammatory properties of a plantain are shown also at its use outwardly. With broth of seeds of a plant it is possible to foment on eyes for removal of an inflammation: two teaspoons of seeds fill in with two teaspoons of cold water, stir slowly and add six tablespoons of boiled water. It is possible to use infusion after cools down.Сок подорожника

Curative properties of a plantain are shown not only when using broths or juice. For example, the fresh leaves of a plant ground in gruel accelerate healing of scratches, bruises, remove an inflammation at stings of insects. For treatment gruel from leaves is wrapped in a gauze or bandage, imposed on a sore point. At stings a bandage it is necessary to hold not less than half an hour. If there is no effect, the bandage is changed for fresh.

If to mix gruel from svezhesorvanny leaves of a plantain with ovalbumin, antiburn means will turn out. It is imposed on the affected skin a thick layer by one or two р / day for 15 min.


In the description of a plantain it is specified that it cannot be accepted at the increased coagulability of blood, high secretion of a gastric juice, existence of blood clots in vessels, hypersensitivity, an exacerbation of ulcers of a GIT.

Prolonged use of a plantain can increase coagulability of blood and probability of a thrombogenesis.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Plantain big leaves ф / pack ice. 1.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

66 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Doctor Vistong Podorozhnik and coltsfoot ml syrup 150

131 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Plantain juice фл 100 ml, Vifitekh (г.Москва)

155 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Gerbion Podorozhnik ml syrup 150

251 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Green mother Formula of a taiga the Face pack a plantain/horsetail clearing 170 ml

251 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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