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Teenage smoking

Teenage smoking is the serious modern problem requiring the urgent solution at the state and public level.

Проблема подросткового курения

Problem of teenage smoking

According to statistical data smoking of teenagers occupies one of the leading positions among modern problems of younger generation. The initial age of smokers makes 7-10 years, but every year the age level decreases. The main part of smokers is pupils of the senior classes aged from 14 up to 16 years.

School students, generally fraudulently get money at parents and relatives for acquisition of cigarettes. As a result family relationship worsens and there are serious conflicts.

Teenage smoking affects various segments of the population, and not just children from dysfunctional families, but also teenagers secure and socially protected.

Now in Russia several laws work, and new bills on restriction of access for teenagers to tobacco products prepare, but the most part of laws in practice is implemented extremely inefficiently.

Impact of nicotine on the growing organism is negative, slows down growth processes, reduces immunity and causes a set of serious diseases. To solve a problem of teenage smoking it is necessary to toughen the antismoking legislation, and also to constantly hold preventive events in educational and entertaining institutions, in media and on television.

Reasons of smoking of teenagers

Are the main reasons for smoking of teenagers:

  • the aspiration to become adults;
  • imitation peers and senior companions;
  • desire to receive authority;
  • imitation adults, parents and relatives;
  • negative situation in a family;
  • psychological problems;
  • problems of social adaptation, relationship and communication;
  • teenage crisis of emotional and physical formation;
  • imitation screen heroes, characters from media and television;
  • depression.

Teenage smoking gradually becomes not only an imaginary cure of a certain problem, but also an addiction and the need for nicotine which is the poison of neytropny type causing pathological changes and diseases.

Harm of teenage smoking

Numerous international medical researches established serious harm of smoking for teenagers. Mortality of people, having begun to smoke at teenage age, several times above, than at adult smokers.

Harm of teenage smoking is shown in serious pathological processes which cause decrease in memory, reduce a muscle tone, worsen hearing and sight.

Nicotinic pitches thin nervous cells, cause exhaustion, lower activity of a brain, and also reduce visual color perception.

At constant smoking at teenagers dacryagogue begins with the first weeks of consumption of nicotine, puffiness and redness of eyes appears. Further smoking leads to chronic inflammations of an optic nerve, increase in light sensitivity and peeling of a retina.

Serious harm of smoking for teenagers consists in emergence of a serious illness of digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and urinogenital systems.

At children whose mothers began to smoke already from teenage age both puerperal, and age pathologies are shown. The development of such children which is slowed down, and also they have a serious hereditary illness, often are born with weak-mindedness and heart disease.

Harm of teenage smoking consists in powerful oppression of the central nervous system and brain. Also as a result of influence of toxic agents of tobacco products functioning of a thyroid gland worsens, heartbeat becomes frequent, irritability, a polydipsia and sweating appears.

Teenage smoking leads to disturbances of endocrine system, dysfunction of a cardiac muscle and vasospasms. Load of heart increases, and eventually vessels lose elasticity and durability.

Scientific research showed that smoking of teenagers leads to decrease in brain activity, disturbances of a work-rest schedule, impossibility of perception of a training material, loss of creative and sports abilities.

Poisonous components of tobacco smoke lead to headaches, sudden migraine, reduce endurance and working capacity, coordination and motility.

The European scientists defined a negative impact of smoking on development of generative organs. At girls serious violations in development of mammary glands and problems with menstrual cycles are observed. Further, as at young men, and girls emergence of infertility is probable. To reduce probability of emergence of pathologies and serious illness teenagers should immediately stop smoke.

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