Useful diet

Полезная диета - это безопасная для организма диетаMaking the decision to use a diet to say goodbye to extra kilos, it is necessary to remember: any diet is a stress for an organism. And many ask a question – whether diets in general are useful?

Useful diet for weight loss

How it is correct to choose a diet not to do much harm to an organism and at the same time effectively to lose weight? The useful diet for weight loss has to be, first of all, safe, balanced on the content of the main nutrients, and also enriched with vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, the majority of modern diets do not correspond to this principle and therefore they cannot be observed long.

Studying numerous diets, scientists came to a conclusion that the most useful food for persons interested to lose weight is low-calorie diets with the small content of fats and digestible carbohydrates. At insufficient intake of fats from the outside the organism begins to receive energy, decomposing own fatty tissue. If in addition to increase power consumption, for example, being engaged in physical exercises, then process of weight loss will go even quicker. But any really useful diet for our organism does not call for full refusal of fats! They are also necessary for us, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Instead of refractory fats of animal origin it is necessary to use vegetable oils, having limited their consumption to the lower bound of physiological norm.

The useful diet for weight loss also provides reduction in a food allowance of digestible carbohydrates (confectionery, chocolate, candies, sugar, etc.).

The most useful food stuffs

Any diet has to be under construction with use not only low-calorie, but also most useful products. Treat them:

  • Meat and fish of low-fat grades. Whether diets are useful if to use these products in a fried look? Certainly, no. They need to be used in a boiled look, or to fry on a lattice, without using for this purpose fat;
  • Bread of a rough grinding;
  • Fruit, vegetables;
  • It is allowed to use various mushrooms in food;
  • The fat-free dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Rather weak tea and coffee.

Products which need to be excluded from a useful diet:

  • Meat and fish of fat grades;
  • Various sausages;
  • Nuts;
  • Caviar;
  • To reduce the use of chocolate and sugar to a minimum;
  • Fat dairy products, strong cheeses.

Useful diet of Karl Lagerfild

The most useful food stuffs used in a diet allow some people to lose excess weight significantly. It, certainly, also gives the chance to an organism to get healthier in general. For example, the useful diet helped the famous German photographer and the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld to get rid not only of 42 kg of excess weight in 13 months, but also of the impressive list of chronic diseases. After such useful diet for weight loss he considered that he has the right to share the experience with other people, and wrote the book. In it he stated the principles of food which allowed it to achieve such fine result. The most useful food stuffs recommended to them for the use:Витамины - обязательная составляющая любой полезной диеты для похудения

  • Various seafood and fish of low-fat grades;
  • Dietary meat: horse-flesh, rabbit flesh, veal;
  • Mineral water not less than 1 liter a day;
  • Oils and fats of the superior quality. To take vegetable oil with caution – no more than 3 tbsps a day;
  • Milk and cottage cheese have to be fat-free;
  • Bread of a rough grinding;
  • The use of all vegetables is allowed, but it is necessary to steam them, to boil or bake.

What does not recommend to use at observance of a useful diet Karl Lagerfeld:

  • Cheeses of fat grades;
  • Dry haricot;
  • To exclude cherry, grapes, bananas and figs from fruit.

Instead of sugar Karl Lagerfild advises supporters of useful diets to eat sweeteners.

Additional recommendations from Karl Lagerfeld

According to the author of this system of the most useful food, it is necessary to include protein additives in a diet. One bag contains standard daily rate of protein and amino acids including irreplaceable.

Advantages of useful diets

The useful diet does not create special problems by drawing up the menu. In addition, if to combine a useful diet for weight loss with exercise stresses, then extra kilos not only quickly leave, but also are not returned again.

The aspiration to the most useful food has to become a norm of life for each sane person. A useful diet if to adhere to it it is constant, will allow to solve problems not only with excess weight, but also with health. Normalization of weight, a metabolism, improvement of functions of a musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system – all this is a net result of any system of the healthiest nutrition.

Also the fact that the useful diet allows to get rid of excess weight gradually is important, without subjecting an organism to a stress, without causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases, without leading to development of depressions.

Whether you know that:

Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.