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The correct leaving after removal of papilloma

Обработка раны после удаления папилломыAfter removal of papilloma careful care of the operated site as accession of infections to a wound is possible is necessary. The crust which is formed during healing cannot be wetted, overheated in the sun, and also to subject to mechanical influences. Young skin after falling away of a scab also needs care. Than after removal of papilloma to process the damaged site, the specialist who carried out the procedure has to advise. As a rule, appoint various antiseptic agents in a complex with vitamin therapy.

How to look after a wound after removal of papilloma

The wound after removal of papilloma represents a funneled hollow which corresponds on diameter and depth to the liquidated skin education. Within 24 hours after operation hypostasis and reddening of surrounding skin is probable. As healing happens without bandage, over time the scab is formed of nekrotizirovanny fabrics. This process takes 2-4 weeks therefore the crust from a lymph and the turned blood densely is pasted to a wound surface and protects it from pathogenic microflora.

Continuous ventilation of a wound is necessary for formation of a scab. Fresh air dries the lymphatic liquid acting on a surface which is turned and forms at first a film, and then a crust. Under this crust there is also wound epithelization therefore it is possible to call it "a biological bandage".

It is impossible to allow after removal of papillomas disturbances of integrity or premature elimination of a crust as it provokes severe bleeding, formation of hems and nevus pigmentosus, and also infection is fresher than a wound. It is strictly forbidden to peel independently a crust or neottorzhenny fabrics of papilloma. It must be kept in mind what can lead its softening or, on the contrary, a peresushivaniye to peeling of a scab. Proceeding from it, temporarily it is impossible to wet a wound, to apply on it ointments, creams and other cosmetics. Besides, it is necessary to limit influence of ultraviolet radiation as much as possible.

If wound infection after removal of papilloma after all occurred, and under a scab purulent contents began to accumulate, then under medical control the crust is required to be removed. For this purpose it is carefully soaked Furacilin or solution of peroxide of hydrogen and, after a softening, carefully raised for the separated part. The scab is otslaivat, without making excessive efforts, and cut off sterile scissors so that its fixed part remained on site.

At normal process of recovery after an otkhozhdeniye of a crust there is thin skin which differs in a bright pink shade. After several months the difference in color smoothes out, and the operated site ceases to differ from surrounding fabrics.

Again formed integument after removal of papillomas cannot be processed spirit lotions, srubs and the irritating ointments. The contact with household chemicals and any chemically active agents is excluded. During the hygienic procedures it is necessary to be careful – not to rub young skin a bast or pumice, and also not to use the razor in the operated area. Use of foundation and other decorative cosmetics is not recommended if papilloma was deleted on a face. At the same time, it is necessary to grease skin with sunblock cream as it is very sensitive to sunlight, is inclined to burns and the increased pigmentation.

How to prevent complications after removal of papilloma

As a rule, after removal of papilloma of a complication result from incorrect care of a wound. Formation of hems and long recovery at weak immune system is most widespread. The course of infectious processes accompanied by purulent separated is in certain cases possible. For prevention of such effects it is necessary to adhere strictly to recommendations of the specialist who was engaged in elimination of skin education. The list of medical supplies is made depending on individual indicators – localizations of a wound, a condition of skin and other features, but surely include antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs in it.

Than to process a wound surface after removal of papilloma? The disinfecting action solutions diamond green, iodine and potassium permanganate possess. After peeling of a crust one-percentage hydrocortisone ointment which is applied twice a day on the subliving wound within 10 days can be appointed.

Возможные осложнения после удаления папилломыDuring rehabilitation it is important to increase the regenerating function of skin, to improve its elasticity and resilience to aggressive factors of the environment. For this purpose use solutions with the content of vitamins of the A and E group. The hyaluronic acid which is a part of some creams and gels creates a pellicle which, without interfering with oxygen exchange, stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastin on the surface of skin, and also recovers the coarsened fabrics. The soft peeling with glycolic acid eliminates the died-off particles and smoothes structure of skin, without injuring it.

After removal of papilloma it is necessary to normalize timely a producing elastin and collagen for formation of connecting fabric, and it is possible only at intensive food of skin. The vitamins coming to an organism, minerals and amino acids substantially promote recovery and an angenesis.

Radical elimination of skin educations always involves danger of further complications therefore it is better to address experienced surgeons, but not in beauty shop. It is possible to avoid adverse effects, strictly following all medical instructions and providing to skin careful attitude and careful leaving.

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