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Fit of coughing

Приступ кашля - реакция на возбудителя, симптом определенного заболеванияCough – an instinctive reflex, the forced exhalation provoked by reduction of muscles of respiratory tracts owing to irritation of receptors for natural clarification of respiratory tract from foreign substances, and also the prevention of the mechanical obstacles complicating passability of pneumatic ways. Cough is the protective mechanism of an organism which ensures safety and clarification of a tracheobronchial tree from irritants and foreign bodys. The irritating agents (slime, blood, a phlegm, pus), including, and foreign bodys (food pieces, dust, fibers and other elements inhaled with air) can provoke a fit of coughing.

Fit of coughing – the response of an organism to influence of the activator which is shown suddenly beginning cough for elimination of irritation lasting before full simplification. Cough during attacks call convulsive or convulsive as tussive pushes do not allow the patient to make a breath, following one by one. In certain cases strong fits of coughing can come to the end with vomiting, disturbance of breath, a cordial rhythm, an unconscious state. Fits of coughing can cause panic in the person. If the fit of coughing single, then in this case, as a rule, does not arise reasons for concern as the irritant which suddenly got to pneumatic ways can be the reason of an attack. However if fits of coughing accept recurrent character, amplify, then it is necessary to pay attention to additional symptoms.

Strong fits of coughing are not a disease, these are only symptoms which can indicate a certain disturbance or a disease.

Fits of coughing as symptoms of diseases

Before starting treatment or elimination of fits of coughing, it is necessary to define, they are disease what symptom. Treatment of fits of coughing will be ineffective if their cause is not removed.

Fits of coughing can be symptoms of different types of acute respiratory diseases, diseases of upper and lower respiratory tracts (bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, tumoral diseases of lungs, etc.), viral and bacterial infections, an allergy. Fits of coughing can develop at hit in respiratory tracts of irritants and foreign bodys. Cough can signal about diseases of cardiovascular system, a nervous system.

There is a number of the characteristics used for the description of fits of coughing. On the basis of combinations of these characteristics it is possible to establish with high probability what pathological process causes strong fits of coughing.

Cough without expectoration is called dry. Dry cough in most cases is a sign of development of pathologies in the bodies which are not relating to respiratory system (heart diseases, an inflammation of an outside ear, a disease of a nervous system, a perikardita). It is also accepted to call dry cough unproductive. Except for elimination of mechanical irritants, dry cough does not perform the protective function.

Wet cough is caused only by diseases of respiratory system. At wet cough plentiful department of a phlegm owing to the increased formation of a bronchial secret is observed. Character of the separated phlegm is also a sign of pathological process.

Duration and frequency of developing of cough characterize constant and periodic cough, single tussive desires and strong fits of coughing.

Acute and chronic cough is determined by duration of its existence. So, the cough existing for 3 months is considered acute, chronic cough call lasting existence more than 3 months.

What caused strong fits of coughing?

Conditionally the factors causing fits of coughing divide into four groups:

  • Inflammatory/allergic factors – bronchial spasms, the increased viscosity of a phlegm, an inflammation of a mucous membrane of respiratory tracts, swelled, the increased formation of a phlegm;
  • Mechanical factors – a hyperadenosis, formation of the tumors making the squeezing impact on bronchial tubes and a trachea, a foreign body in acoustical pass, a throat;
  • Thermal factors – irritation of respiratory tracts excessively cold/hot air;
  • Chemical factors – the gaseous substances inhaled together with air, medicines at which fits of coughing are side effect.Синекод - противокашлевый препарат для устранения приступов кашля

What can fits of coughing be caused at the child by?

At the child it is necessary to treat fits of coughing with extra care as in most cases the child is not capable to explain the state and the accompanying symptoms. Among the reasons causing fits of coughing in the child inflammatory and mechanical factors become the most probable. If at the child the fit of coughing is followed by temperature, the general weakness, rhinitis, dacryagogue, a sleep disorder, appetite loss, then most likely cough is caused by catarrhal diseases. If at the child fits of coughing are not followed by symptoms of diseases, and cough is shown or amplifies only when the child to go to bed, then in that case fits of coughing can be caused by plentiful hypersalivation in the period of a teething. In certain cases fits of coughing can be caused in the child by inhalation of a large foreign body during the game that can come to the end with suffocation.

If at the child fits of coughing are followed by the following symptoms, then it is necessary to see a doctor immediately:

  • temperature;
  • suffocation;
  • general weakness, sickly look of the child;
  • increase in frequency of breaths;
  • pain at cough.

Fits of coughing at the adult: when to see a doctor

Incidental fits of coughing usually do not cause fears in the adult. However there is a number of the signs demanding the immediate address to the doctor:

  • Fits of coughing at the adult last more than a week, simplification does not come;
  • High temperature against the background of fits of coughing at the adult;
  • Suffocation attacks are observed;
  • The general weakness and loss in weight;
  • Character of a phlegm (content of impurity of blood, green, yellow color, density);
  • Fits of coughing at the adult are followed by thorax pain.

How to remove a fit of coughing: general recommendations

There are various ways how to remove a fit of coughing. Before undertaking any measures, it is necessary to define what type of cough prevails at the patient. Cough, being a protective reflex of an organism, performs support function at diseases, saving from excess of slime and a phlegm. Not its elimination, but simplification becomes the main objective at treatment of cough. Braking of cough is possible only if cough negatively affects a condition of the patient (prevents to sleep, causes vomiting, suffocation).

In the main way how to remove a fit of coughing, the following medicamentous drugs are:

  • Expectorants;
  • Mucolytic means;
  • Mukoregulyatorny means;
  • Antibechics.
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