Main > Medical specialties> Radiologist


The doctor-radiologist is the specialist having knowledge in the field of radiation therapy, medical radiology.

Врач-радиолог – это специалист, обладающий знаниями в области лучевой терапии, медицинской радиологии

The radiology as the section of medicine in Russia appeared not so long ago, its main objective – studying of how the person is influenced by ionizing radiation.

The main objective of the radiologist is carrying out a radiological research for diagnosing of various diseases, and also the treatment constructed on use of radiotheraphy.

In the work the radiologist uses modern diagnostic methods: computer and magnetic and resonant tomographies, X-ray analysis and roentgenoscopy, ultrasonography, fluorography, bronchography and bronkhoskopiya, echocardiographic research, torakoskopiya.

Diagnosing of diseases by means of radiological methods is of great importance in modern medicine. Development of radiology gave the chance to significantly reduce mortality of patients.

What enters competence of the doctor-radiologist

The radiologist provides the qualified medical care to patients, uses for diagnosis and treatment only the radiological equipment resolved by official medicine.

The doctor-radiologist most often is involved in comprehensive examination of patients, but can issue also the independent conclusions.

The radiologist participates not only in inspection of the patient, but also in development of the plan of its treatment. It selects the optimum and sparing ways of treatment by method of radiation therapy.

The doctor-radiologist surely controls holding necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and watches how are used the radiological equipment, tools.

Doctors who closely cooperate with radiologists are himioterapevta, oncologists and onkokhirurg.

When address radiologists

The main patients of radiologists are the people who underwent radiation and suffering from its effects.

Addresses to radiologists concerning confirmation of the following diagnoses are on the second place:

  • different types of benign and malignant tumors of skin, mammary glands, generative organs, digestive tract, lungs and bronchial tubes, oral cavity, throat, brain and other bodies;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • hydradenitis;
  • spurs;
  • tendovaginitis and bursitis;
  • metastasises of cancer tumors;
  • lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis.

As become doctors-radiologists

To become the radiologist, it is necessary to end a higher educational medical institution, to have training in "radiology".

Often radiologists and radiologists are trained together at one department of educational institution, but at the last the sphere of activity is wider.

The doctor-radiologist has to be informed on modern diagnostic methods, on features of work of radiological service, know that the radiology as clinical discipline represents.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.