Main > Diseases> Rickets


Рахит у детей

Short characteristic of a disease

Rickets is a disease which is characterized by deficit in a vitamin D organism. It helps to be acquired with an organism to calcium which is necessary for creation and development of a bone tissue, and also for normal work of a nervous system and other bodies. Most often rickets occurs at children, it is preferential up to three years. Though the possibility of emergence of rickets and at the senior children, and also at adults is not excluded.

Rickets origins

The main reason for emergence of rickets is a lack of a human body of vitamin D which leads to disturbance of exchange in an organism of such substances as calcium and phosphorus. Thereof the mineralization and growth of bones is broken, pathological changes in a nervous system and internals are observed. The lack of this vitamin can be caused by bad uniform food, rare we stay in the sun as vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet. Unfavorable conditions of life of mother and child, a complication at the time of delivery, reception of some drugs, excess weight can sometimes be the cause of rickets at the birth or prematurity.

Rickets symptoms

Symptoms of rickets depend on disease degree. Changes of a nervous system which are shown by frequent crying, concern and irritability are observed. Fear of bright flashes of light and loud sounds is also possible.

One of symptoms of rickets is the increased perspiration which is most often shown at night, at shout, and also when feeding. The child sweats even then when in the room it is cool, and he is easily dressed. Sweat has an unpleasant acid smell and irritates skin. The child twirls by the head about a pillow because of what on a nape hair drop out, and the bald head which is one more symptom of rickets is formed. A palm and a foot at the patient always wet.

Rickets about one year is shown by damage of a thorax and skull. At an initial stage there is a softening of a parietal and occipital bone, fontanels and their edges. If not to carry out adequate treatment, then through short time rickets progresses. At the same time increase in frontal and parietal hillocks is observed, the head becomes square. The thorax is deformed, hips are bent. The breast of the child becomes similar on chicken. There is a thickening of tubular bones on a forearm and phalanxes of fingers ("rachitic bracelets" and "pearls threads"). Legs are bent, they accept a letter of O or X, haunch bones are deformed. Symptoms of rickets in the absence of treatment can be shown also on the second and third year of life, deformation of a skeleton can remain for the rest of life.

Rickets at children is characterized by the slowed-down growth of teeth, disturbance of work of lungs and hearts, vegeto-vascular changes which are shown in excessive sweating and a mramornost of skin disturbances from a stomach and intestines are possible. If rickets about one year is observed, then such child begins to rise or sit later, is ill more often.

Rickets degrees

Distinguish three degrees of rickets.

The first degree – symptoms of rickets are shown from nervous and muscular system, do not leave effects. It is the easiest degree of rickets.

The second degree – is observed deformation of a skull, extremities and a thorax, there are moderate disturbances in bodies and systems, anemia, increase in sizes of a spleen and liver develops.

The third degree – the heaviest. Symptoms of rickets are rather expressed and are characterized by heavy changes from different bodies and systems (bone, muscular, hemopoietic). The child receives insufficient amount of oxygen because of deformation of a breast.

Treatment of rickets

Основное лечение рахита у детей - прием витамина D

The main treatment of rickets at children is a regular reception of vitamin D in a dose which is appointed by the doctor. The dosage depends on severity of a disease and age of the child. Ultra-violet radiation under the influence of which development in an organism of own vitamin D is observed has also good effect. Carry out medical massage and special gymnastics. Treatment of rickets assumes purpose of bathtubs with infusions of herbs (a turn, oak bark, a plantain). It is important to remember: only the doctor as the overdose of vitamin D can provoke serious consequences from internals, especially a liver, heart and kidneys has to carry out treatment of a disease.

Prevention of rickets

Prevention of rickets consists in the correct catering services and a day regimen of the child. Prevention of rickets about one year assumes breastfeeding taking into account the balanced food of mother. In this case the child will receive a necessary dose of vitamin D with maternal milk. If the child is on artificial feeding, then it is necessary to choose the qualitative adapted mix. Such mixes also contain the necessary amount of vitamin D. The menu of the child after a year has to be various and include dairy products, a yolk and fish. They contain a large amount of vitamin D.

Fresh air and sunshine are fine prevention of a disease. Walk with the child, especially more in warm season. Ultraviolet rays promote production of vitamin D.

You carry out gymnastics with the child and do him massage. Good muscular activity promotes the best saturation of bones blood that reduces risk of developing of rickets.

During the autumn and winter period the doctor can appoint preventive reception of vitamin D. It is not necessary to exceed the recommended dose as it can lead to negative effects.

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