Main > Human organs> Ischium


Ischium – one of three bones forming together with ileal and pubic a haunch bone. After 16-17 years these bones connect by means of a cartilage, and further, after full ossification of a cartilage, borders between them completely smooth out.

Седалищная кость

Being located in the basis of a backbone, pelvic bones, the tailbone and a sacrum serve as a bone receptacle and a support for the vitals located in this area and also provide an attachment to a trunk of the lower extremities.

Ischium structure

In a structure of an ischium distinguish:

  • Bone body which forms an acetabular hollow (zadnenizhny department);
  • Ischium branches.

The sciatic awn (bone ledge) is located on a back body surface of a bone.

The back locking hillock of an ischium is located on a first line of a branch of a bone.

The sciatic hillock in the form of a thickening with a rough surface is located on the curved site of a branch (a zadnenizhny surface).

The lower part of a branch of an ischium grows together with a pubic bone (the lower branch).

Sciatic and pubic bones limit a locking opening on which upper edge there passes the wide locking furrow with the vessels of the same name and nerves.

Pain origins in an ischium

Pains in haunch bones can be caused by various reasons including both injuries, and inflammatory diseases of a hip joint and infectious processes.

The ischium change most often is the result of falling on buttocks or at a basin prelum. Ischiums hurt, as a rule, at the movement, especially when bending a shin. Specify the diagnosis by means of a X-ray analysis.

Treatment of changes of an ischium should be begun with anesthesia of the place of a change. In most cases at unilateral and some bilateral changes of an ischium without the shift of bone fragments it is only enough to accept srednefiziologichesky situation with divorced extremities or to use a special orthopedic bed. The entire period of treatment usually takes no more than a month.

Complete recovery after a change, and also full-fledged load of a leg is possible not earlier, than in seven weeks. After a change of an ischium apply physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy exercises to rehabilitation.

At the shift of fragments it is necessary to carry out treatment by means of system of skeletal traction for femur condyles. In cases if treatment is not carried out in time, it can lead to development of an osteoarthrosis of a hip joint with the expressed disturbance of basic function of an extremity over time.

Ischiums hurt also:

  • At intensive sports activities. At the same time pain both big loadings, and inflammatory processes can cause, for example, the inflammation of a sciatic bag (a bursitis sciatic and buttock) which is often arising at occupations bicycle sport. At inflammatory processes, as a rule, carry out drug treatment and physical therapy;
  • At tumors of haunch bones. Depending on tumor growth rate pain can be felt both on a bone, and in the fabrics surrounding it. It is most characteristic of a fibrosarcoma or a histiocytoma;
  • At diseases of system of blood, namely at an acute leukosis, diseases of marrow, an erythremia, a myelosis, a multiple myeloma;
  • Against the background of development of such infectious diseases, as tuberculosis and osteomyelitis of haunch bones;
  • At metabolic diseases of bones as result of disturbances of a resorption or osteogenesis because of deficit of mineral substances in food, disturbances of their absorption in intestines or because of deficit or disturbance of metabolism of vitamin D.
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