Main > Food stuffs> Cider


Cider is the low alcohol drink similar to champagne. Preparation of cider consists in fermentation of fruit juice (more often from apples and pears) without yeast. The fact that in North America cider call soft apple drink is interesting. Traditionally this drink was made in France and Spain.Сидр из яблочного сока

Though cider was known since antiquity, the legend attributes the invention of this drink to Charles the Great. He during the travel allegedly sat down on a bag with overripe apples, they were crushed and cider turned out. In the Middle Ages cider was festive drink at the French peasants.

Cider of usually greenish or golden color, has a characteristic apple smell, fortress makes it from 1 to 8% about., flavoring scale from dry to sweet. The cider is more sweet, the it is less in it than alcohol. Cider more sparkling in comparison with champagne - bubbles after a drink nalivaniye in a glass remain in it much longer. Good cider shall be transparent, without dregs and a deposit.

Cider well satisfies thirst, does not contain nutritional supplements and dyes. It is traditionally used together with pastries, pancakes, dry grades of cider are well combined with seafood and cheese. Often cider enters a compounding of various cocktails. Serve cider in glasses for champagne, cooled to 6 – 8 degrees.

Tannic and pectinaceous substances, citric, malic and acetic acid, microelements and sugar are a part of drink except alcohol. On observations, the regular use of cider serves as prevention of developing of cardiovascular diseases in small amounts.

Cider cannot be drunk at a diabetes mellitus, diseases of a pancreas, biliary tract and a liver, a hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Receiving cider

From usual apples cider do not receive – in them not enough tannin. For preparation of cider special grades were removed. Wring out apples a membrane press.

Almost all the aroma and taste receives cider from a green thin skin of apples therefore it is so important to keep a peel of the fermentation of drink, whole before process. Fermentation continues about 2 months then cider ripens within 6 – 12 months on a natural deposit.

The real cider can be tasted at some restaurants of Europe – there observe an exact compounding of preparation of cider and rituals connected with it.Калорийность сидра - 40 ккал на 100 г

It is possible to try to make cider in house conditions. For this purpose it is necessary to choose first of all correctly a grade of apples – they have to be not really sweet and at the same time rather mature. Specialists recommend to take from widespread grades of apples Aport, Antonovka, Borovinka and the Rennet. Apples should be washed up and peeled of fruit stems and decay, and then to pass via the meat grinder or other similar device.

Add sugar to the received weight, cover with fabric and put to rather warm place for several days. Then it is necessary to filter infusion, having cast away cake, and again to add sugar at the rate of 100 - 130 on 1 liter of the received juice. At this stage it is necessary to close and leave drink to wander about 20 more days. Further it is aerated with use of a siphon and densely corked in banks and bottles that it stood about 3 more months. If cider in house conditions is made correctly, then after its use there is no hangover.

Cider caloric content

Caloric content of cider differs at different grades of cider. It depends on the content of sugar in drink. So, dry cider contains 40 kcal on 100 g, and sweet 47 kcal on 100 g of drink. Cider causes weak intoxication at the use therefore it is possible to drink it for once quite a lot. One cup of cider on average contains 117 kcal. Nutritionists do not recommend to include this drink in a diet of people with obesity because of cider caloric content.

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