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Ways to leave off smoking

According to data of World Health Organization today about 1,3 billion population of the globe are depending on tobacco smoking. Nicotine is responsible for the annual death about 6 million people caused by diseases of cardiovascular system, TsNS, respiratory organs and digestion, and also the oncological diseases catalyzed because of tobacco smoking.

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Smoking - one of the most severe forms of drug addiction caused for the reason as physical, so psychological accustoming of an organism to nicotine. Therefore to throw this addiction quite difficult. Today millions of smokers are in searches of easy ways to leave off smoking. Reasons of voluntary refusal of smoking set: the need to keep health (the and the relatives as still nobody cancelled harm from passive smoking), desire to save the money spent for cigarettes and to spend them for something useful, etc.

How to leave off smoking?

All smoking people can be divided into three conditional groups:

  • Smokers with psychological dependence and lack of nicotinic;
  • Smokers with nicotine addiction;
  • People at whom the combination of both types of dependence - nicotinic and psychological is observed.

Depending on a type of attachment at the patient ways to leave off smoking are also divided into several categories:

  • The first group of methods is based on medical suggestion by the word. Some author's techniques (methods of the Allene Cara, Timur Mamedov, Vladimir Zhdanov and many others) based on psychological verbal belief of the smoker concern to them. Creators of above-mentioned techniques focus on awareness of true motives of smoking: habits to derive pleasure, to reduce stress a cigarette, to support a conversation in digging of friends, etc. and their overcoming. In this group of bystry ways to leave off smoking (at once as soon as the technique works) refer coding - the means developed by the honored doctor of the Soviet Union A. R. Dovzhenko. The session of treatment consists of a psychotherapeutic part in which the patient has an opportunity to involve the psychological reserve and to refuse independently smoking. The second part represents, actually, psychoprogramming and hypnosis.

How to leave off smoking to smokers with nicotine addiction?

The second group of treatment of the patients suffering from physiological attachment to nicotine is based on several techniques:

  • Pharmacological ways to leave off smoking. The main objective of pharmacological treatment consists in the maximum decrease in manifestations of symptoms of cancellation. By the Bystry way to leave off smoking welcome of alkaloids - substances which force out nicotine from biochemical bonds of an organism that promotes decrease in requirement to smoking can be accorded. Other direction of pharmacological treatment is based on reception of the means imitating effect of nicotine in an organism. Chewing gums, nicotinic plasters, electronic cigarettes, inhalers, etc. concern to them. These drugs provide other access of nicotine to an organism, in addition to cigarettes, protecting the person from an abstinence syndrome. These pharmacological means can be applied long enough - until thirst for smoking does not decrease, but it is not infinite.
  • Acupuncture, or treatment of dependence on nicotine acupuncture. The essence of a technique consists in introduction of needles to the acupuncture points which are in an auricle. They influence the certain structures of a brain which are responsible for the need for smoking. At the same time "the smoker's reflex" collapses directly during the session. Duration of a course of acupuncture makes 5-8 sessions.

Refer set to the third group of ways to leave off smoking as the medicinal nicotinoreplacing means allowing to overcome successfully a syndrome of nicotinic cancellation, and the psychological techniques designed to dispel the illusions of the smoker connected with smoking process.

Councils to those who want to leave off smoking

Unfortunately, the universal way to leave off smoking easily and quickly does not exist. Specialists recommend to use that who is going to leave off smoking independently following "hints":

  • Buy cigarettes only on one pack. Having lit, hide a pack, an ashtray and a lighter;
  • You hold cigarettes far away from a workplace, and also a zone where you have a rest;
  • Gradually increase term between the moment when you wanted to smoke also the beginning of smoking for 10 minutes a day;
  • Every day smoke one cigarette less, than yesterday;
  • The hobby bringing pleasure will allow to leave off smoking and not to recover. It can be sports activities, new non-smoking friends, interesting work, travel, etc.;
  • Podchitayte quantity of money which you will save if you leave off smoking.
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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.