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from 187 rub.

Stugeronum – the drug which is applied to treatment of disturbances of blood circulation of a brain.Стугерон 50 мг

Pharmacological action of Stugeronum

Stugeronum reduces quantity of calcium ions in cells, weakens a tone of muscles of arterioles, promotes strengthening of vasodilating effect of carbon dioxide.

It is noticed that drug, exerting impact on muscles of vessels, reduces their response to vasopressin, noradrenaline, adrenaline, angiotensin, dopamine.

Use of Stugeronum leads to vasodilatation, in particular it concerns brain vessels. At the same time it is noted that active agent of drug, cinnarizine, does not influence arterial pressure.

Also medicine promotes reduction of excitability of a vestibular mechanism, reduces a tone of a sympathetic nervous system, reduces viscosity of blood, increases resistance of muscles to air hunger.

Release form

Stugeronum is released in tablets.

Stugeronum analogs – Vertizin, Tsinedil, Tsinnaron.

Indications to use of Stugeronum

Stugeronum is appointed at vestibular disturbances: sonitus, vomiting and nausea of a labyrinth origin, nystagmus, Menyer's disease, dizziness; at migraine – for the prevention of attacks; for treatment of disturbances of peripheric circulation; for prevention of kinetoz – air and a sea sickness; for treatment of disturbances of peripheric circulation – a Raynaud's disease, thrombophlebitis, a diabetic angiopatiya, trophic disturbances, varicose and trophic ulcers, the "alternating" lameness.

One more indication to use of Stugeronum is symptomatic therapy of pathologies of a cerebrovascular origin – a sonitus, headaches, irritability, dizzinesses.

Route of administration

Stugeronum at disturbances of blood circulation of a brain is accepted on 3-6 tablets a day (75-150 mg).

At disturbances of peripheric circulation appoint no more than 6-9 tablets a day (150-225 mg).

The recommended drug dosage at vestibular disturbances – 3 tablets a day (75 mg).Стугерон 25 мг

For prevention of a motion desease by the adult it is recommended for half an hour to a trip to take 25 mg of drug. If necessary in 6 h it is possible to accept 25 more mg. Children in the same purposes are given 12,5 mg of drug.

If at the patient the individual intolerance of cinnarizine is observed, it is recommended to begin treatment about ½ doses, gradually increasing it.

Side effects

Use of Stugeronum can become the reason of emergence of a headache, depression, drowsiness, extrapyramidal frustration, fatigues, dryness in a mouth, pains in epigastriums, to skin rash, an allergy, increase in weight.


Stugeronum according to the instruction is contraindicated to the feeding, pregnant women, at hypersensitivity.

Under control the patients having Parkinson's disease have to accept Stugeronum and analogs of drug.

It is necessary to consider that cinnarizine can influence result of doping control.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Stugeronum of a tablet 25 of Mg of 50 pieces

187 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Stugeronum тбл 25 mg No. 50, Gedeon Richter

228 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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