Main > Drugs> Sulfasalazinum


Sulfasalazinum – the antiinflammatory drug used for treatment of exacerbations of ulcer colitis, a pseudorheumatism and a disease Krone.

Release form

The drug Sulfasalazinum is produced in the form of the yellowy-brown film coated tablets containing 500 mg of the active agent of the same name (sulphapyridine azo compound with salicylic acid). On 10 pieces in packaging.Сульфасалазин в таблетках

Sulfasalazinum analogs

Drugs in a dosage form of tablets belong to the closest analogs of Sulfasalazinum on a way of action: Asakol, Mesakol, Samezil, Mezavant, Salofalk, Mesalazin, Pentasa and Kansalazin.

Besides, release Sulfasalazinum analogs in other dosage forms. Treat them:

  • Suspension rectal – Salofalk, Samezil;
  • Suppositories rectal – Pentasa;
  • Suspension for intake – Salazopyridazinum;
  • Foam rectal dosed – Salofalk.

Pharmacological action of Sulfasalazinum

Active component of Sulfasalazinum possesses both antiinflammatory, and antimicrobic action concerning causative agents of intestinal diseases.

Use of Sulfasalazinum at treatment of nonspecific colitis is effective thanks to ability of active component of drug to collect selectively in fabrics of walls of intestines and to release acids which have antiinflammatory activity, and also to have antimicrobic effect concerning Streptococcus spp., including Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Escherichia coli.

Indications to use of Sulfasalazinum

According to the instruction Sulfasalazinum is appointed for treatment:

  • Exacerbations of ulcer colitis, and also for a maintenance therapy in a remission phase;
  • Pseudorheumatism and a juvenile pseudorheumatism in cases if standard therapy by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was inefficient;
  • The disease Krone proceeding in easy and medium-weight forms in an aggravation phase.


Use of Sulfasalazinum is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • At aplastic anemia;
  • At a liver and renal failure;
  • At inborn deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy;
  • In the period of a lactation;
  • At porphyrias;
  • Aged up to 5 years;
  • At obstruction of intestines or urinary tract;
  • At a granulocytopenia;
  • At hypersensitivity to active or to auxiliary components of Sulfasalazinum.

Besides, Sulfasalazinum according to reviews should be taken with caution at:

  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • To bronchial asthma;
  • Allergic reactions to sulfonamide derivatives in the anamnesis;
  • Pregnancies;
  • System forms of a juvenile pseudorheumatism (because of the increased risk of development of a serum disease).

Sulfasalazinum route of administration

Sulfasalazinum according to the instruction is recommended to be accepted after meal.

Adults and children of 16 years at treatment of ulcer colitis and disease Krone:

  • In the first day of treatment accept on one tablet of Sulfasalazinum 4 times a day;
  • In the second day – increase a dosage twice;
  • In the third and the next days – on 3-4 tablets 4 times a day.

The maintenance therapy Sulfasalazinum is appointed after reduction of acute clinical symptoms in the dosage 2 g divided into four receptions lasting not less than several months.

The maximum daily dose of Sulfasalazinum for adults makes 16 tablets a day, for children up to 16 years – 2 g a day.

At treatment of a juvenile pseudorheumatism and pseudorheumatism to adults and children of 16 years appoint:

  • For the first week – 1 tablet once a day;
  • Within the second week – 1 tablet twice a day;
  • Within the third week – 1 tablet three times a day.

According to this scheme gradually, for 5-6 weeks of therapy, the accepted dose is brought to 1,5-3 g a day. As a rule, the lasting clinical effect is shown in several months. The average duration of treatment – of half a year.

Sulfasalazinum dosage for children is calculated the doctor and depends on age and body weight, however the daily dose should not exceed 40-50 mg/kg of body weight or 2 g of drug.

Side effects of Sulfasalazinum

Sulfasalazinum according to reviews can cause disturbances from various systems of an organism:

  • Urinogenital system – a hamaturia, a proteinuria, a nephrotic syndrome, a crystalluria;
  • Nervous system – peripheral neuropathy, a headache, aseptic meningitis, hallucinations, dizziness, a sleep disorder, spasms, a depression, an ataxy;
  • Respiratory system – infiltrates in pulmonary fabric, an asthma, an intersticial fibroziruyushchy alveolitis, a pneumonitis, cough;
  • The alimentary system – pancreatitis, vomiting, medicinal hepatitis, nausea, an abdominal pain, diarrhea, stomatitis, a loss of appetite.

Disturbances from bodies of a hemopoiesis at reception of Sulfasalazinum according to reviews are most often shown in the form of a leukopenia, a macrocytosis, megaloblastny anemia, a neutropenia, aplastic, hemolitic and hemolitic anemia, an agranulocytosis, a methemoglobinemia, a prothrombinopenia, thrombocytopenia.

The most frequent allergic reactions at use of Sulfasalazinum are:

  • Generalized skin rash;
  • Форма выпуска Сульфасалазина
  • Erythema;
  • Small tortoiseshell;
  • Exfoliative dermatitis;
  • Skin itch;
  • Acute anaphylaxis;
  • Malignant exudative erythema;
  • Photosensitization;
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's disease);
  • Lymphadenopathy;
  • Fever;
  • Periorbital hypostasis;
  • Serum disease;
  • Nodular periarteritis;
  • Eosinophilia.

Besides, reception of Sulfasalazinum according to reviews can lead to development of parotitis, a sonitus, hyperthermia and hyperbilirubinemia.

Reception of high doses of Sulfasalazinum, as a rule, leads to overdose which is expressed as digestive disturbances (vomiting, nausea, an abdominal pain) and dizzinesses. Use of Sulfasalazinum in very high doses most often causes a crystalluria, an anury, spasms and a hamaturia.

Medicinal interaction

Simultaneous use of Sulfasalazinum with anticoagulants, antiepileptic and peroral hypoglycemic drugs strengthens action of the last.

The risk of development of a miyelosupressiya increases at simultaneous use with the drugs oppressing a marrowy hemopoiesis.

Strengthening of expressiveness of side effects is possible at combined use Sulfasalazinum with cytostatics, immunodepressants and nefrotoksichny medicines.

Efficiency of Sulfasalazinum at treatment of ulcer colitis is reduced by antimicrobic medicines that is connected with the oppressing action on intestinal microflora.

Storage conditions

Sulfasalazinum according to the instruction is released according to the recipe of the doctor. The period of storage at observance of temperature condition (to 25 °C) should not exceed five years.

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At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.