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Tantum Roza

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 470 rub.

Tantum Roza – the nonsteroid drug with antiinflammatory action used in gynecology.

Pharmacological action

Active agent of Tantum Roza – benzydamine, is characterized by antiinflammatory, febrifugal, analgetic and antibacterial action.Тантум роза в виде раствора

The antibacterial effect is reached by bystry penetration through membranes of causative organisms and, as a result, by the subsequent damage of their cellular structures, disturbance of processes of metabolism and destruction (lysis) of their cells. According to Tantum Roza's instruction has antifungal effect concerning Candida albicans, interfering with their reproduction.

Form of release of Tantum Roza

Tantum Roza's drug is produced in a dosage form:

  • Powder for preparation of vaginal solution, in the bags containing benzydamine in number of 500 mg. On 10 bags in packaging;
  • 0,1% of vaginal solution, in bottles on 140 ml containing benzydamine in number of 100 mg. On 5 bottles in packaging.

Tantum Roza's analog on the mechanism of action is drug Kipferon.

Indications to Tantum Roza's use

Tantum Roza according to the instruction appoint in cases:

  • Candidiasis (including vulvas and vaginas);
  • Inflammations of a neck of uterus;
  • Disturbances of a menopause;
  • Acute vaginitis and vulvitis;
  • Subacute and chronic vaginitis and vulvitis;
  • Trichomoniasis.

Tantum Roza' drug is used also:

  • As means of hygiene after the delivery;
  • In the preventive purposes in operational gynecology.


According to Tantum Roza' instruction do not appoint:

  • At hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • To children aged up to twelve years.

Tantum Roza route of administration

Tantum Roza apply intravaginalno.Порошки Тантум роза

Powder is used as follows: for solution preparation one bag is dissolved in 500 ml of water and applied warm.

For syringing by 0,1% solution the volume of a bottle is used completely, syringed by also warm solution.

The procedure is carried out lying, leaving liquid in a vagina for several minutes.

Course of use of drug of Tantum Roza – from seven to ten days, frequency rate of carrying out syringings – one - twice a day.

As a rule, for prevention of the complications connected with operations and also in a puerperal period it is enough to carry out one procedure a day on an extent from three to five days.

Side effects of Tantum Roza

According to reviews Tantum Roza at observance of the recommendations which are carried out to instructions does not result in side effects. In certain cases Tantum Roza according to reviews can cause:

  • Dryness in a mouth;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Drowsiness.

Storage conditions

Tantum Roza' drug is stored in the dark place unavailable to children. Storage temperature – no more than 25 °C, a period of storage – five years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tantum Roza powder for preparation of solution 500 of mg of 10 pieces

470 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tantum Roza time. for vaginas. solution 0.5g pack ice No. 10, Angelini Francesco

629 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tantum Roza solution for vaginal use of 140 ml 5 pieces

1085 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tantum Roza solution наружн. 0.1% fl-sprints 140 ml No. 5, Angelini Francesco

1417 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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